GC 2020
657 results found
Using GoogleMaps, connect people so they can pool their low-volume recyclables together.
Make it possible for residences or small businesses to find other people / businesses near them, so they can pool low-volume waste streams like batteries, light bulbs, wood pallets together to make it economically viable for recyclers to come and pick them up
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3 votes
cut expenses, pay off debt, focus remaining resources on increased resilience
We are heading into a severe worldwide economic depression. The root cause of this depression is that we have been living beyond our means and have built up more debt than can be repaid. The coming depression will be much worse than the 1930's because the debt levels today are much higher. Furthermore, we can expect the depression to be permanent because oil production has already peaked and will begin to decline in less than 5 years. This means that no further economic growth is possible and the economy will contract for many decades.
The implications for the City of…
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SMS (text) mobile phone alerts for bike route changes
Few things deter cyclists and would-be cyclists like our too frequent unannounced changes to safe biking routes due to construction and other inconveniences.
Using the city's database, cyclists could subscribe to a 'push' SMS message services that would alert them to any changes to their preferred route(s). The messages would also provide alternate safe routes.
3 votesThe City is looking at ways to improve communication to all road users on short-term changes, such as construction and special events.
Reduce fuel consumption up to 50% by modifing existing fleet
Electric vehicles replacing our existing fleet of cars is a long way off. The existing fleet needs to be addressed now so we can start reducing emissions immediately.
By educating drivers and modifying our existing vehicles we can cut fuel useage by up to 50%. Since joining the Ecomodder forum I have increased my mileage by over 70% with a combination of driving techniques, aerodynamic changes and simple modifications. No dubious snake oil was used. I was getting 17mpg combined when I started, now I get 30+mpg. Instrumentation helps to show drivers how they are doing. Competition makes the whole…
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increase property tax on vacant suites/homes
There are many condos owned by foreign investors that remain vacant while being held (many = 30% of new condos purchased downtown, where there are currently over 30,000 units vacant). Increase the property tax on absentee owners to incentivize the creation of more rental units and therefore more affordable housing options
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Burrard Street bridge bicycle lane
Add a designated bicycle lane going into downtown on the Burrard Street bridge. This would also encourage walking by allowing pedestrians back on both sides of the bridge.
3 votesThe City is starting a design process for the structural upgrade of the Burrard Bridge, which will include designs to create permanent separated bike lanes on the bridge. This design process will consider configuration options for the bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
Threes in coffee cup
In Vancouver, a huge amount of coffee cups are use each day. If each person keep his own cups and put a seed in it with some soil or cotton, a lot of threes, plants or vegetables are going to grow in town, on balconies, in appartments. When they will become a little plant people will plant it in collective vegetable garden or just in their grass ! Everybody will have green fingers, even children who will be fascinate to look at the plants growing up each day !
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Eliminate minimum parking requirements
There should be no minimum parking requirements for any development in the city. Jeff Tumlin said it best "We don't have minimum housing requirements for people, so why do you have them for cars?"
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Trucking By Laws
Follow the lead of large American cities that limit trucking (eg 18 wheelers) within city limits to graveyard hours only, say 8pm to 6 am.
Large trucks operating during peak traffic hours only serve to slow commuters and increase exhaust emissions. The trucks themselves would also move quicker with less traffic impeding their progress, thus reducing their own toxic exhaust.
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Pedestrianize Vancouver
Why not make Robson St, Granville St, Davie and Denman pedestrian only streets. The streets could also still be used by the potential streetcar and would also be open to bikes. But while were at it why not rejuvenate the downtown eastside by making it pedestrian only as well. Face it gastown just look silly with cars driving through there and china town would be revolutionized if it was only for pedestrians. These pedestrian only streets and areas would become a main corridor for commuters (pedestrians, streetcar, and bikes) this would cause higher end businesses to come to those areas…
3 votesThe draft Greenest City plan will include directions to explore pedestrian-only and pedestrian-priority streets in the downtown core. Potential locations will be identified at a later date (e.g. as part of the transportation plan update).
Provide online tools to help people educate their friends, family, and networks about green actions
The Sierra Club develop presentation tools for Ottawa's curbside organics collection program. People can use these to give 10-minute presentations in their community to educate others to "do the right thing". Similar tools could be developed for backyard composting, waste reduction, commuter cycling, energy conservation, , etc. Think Toastmasters with a mission.
2 votesVancouver has a One Day campaign and other on-line tools, as do many other organisations in the community. That said new tools will also be developed to support the Greenest City process: http://vancouver.ca/oneday/
Get rid of the needles and stop allowing people to shoot up in the open
Crack down on the public use of crack...and meth...and heroine...
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Make the Stanley Park the greenest urban city park in North America
During the summer, Stanley Park is very busy with visitors. Usually on Sunday, parking spaces within the park are quickly filled. As a result, many visitors drive around the park several times looking for parking spots wasting fuels, and making the experience less enjoyable. Tourist buses often have older engines that are not only inefficient, but they are polluting the air with their harmful exhaust fumes. The solution would be to create parking only at the park entrance. The city can promote the use of alternative energy method of transportation by allowing electric, solar and manual-powered vehicles inside the park.…
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2 votes
Currently reviewing how this might work to create green jobs and advance sustainability.
Paper requirements for City Hall services
I went to renew my residential parking permit and was required to show a physical copy of my proof of residence - hydro bill, etc. I don't get paper bills anymore. I pulled up my bill on my iPhone but was told that wasn't enough, i had to print the bill. The thing is, the clerk didn't take copies of any of my documents, she just viewed them, so why is it not good enough to view the electronic document?
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street end community gardens
The short streets on the end of a typical block are 66 feet wide just like the streets along the front of most residential properties.
What if we made them 33 feet wide which is wide enough for a laneway a sidewalk and some trees. The remaining 33 feet could be used for community gardens, pocket parks or leased for a standard residential lot. The lot would provide additional housing without changing the character of a neighbourhood.2 votesVarious options for creating new green spaces are being considered. Converting street ends into mini-parks is an idea considered in the Draft Greenest City Action Plan.
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This is a good idea for framing our ongoing engagement campaigns
Reduce speed limit to 30 kph within downtown core
In terms of street capacity, 30-39 kph is the optimal speed range. As well, pedestrians hit at 48 kph are are NINE times more likely to die than if struck at 32 kph. Streets will function better and be safer for pedestrians at lower speeds.
2 votes