Get rid of the needles and stop allowing people to shoot up in the open
Crack down on the public use of crack...and meth...and heroine...

Noah commented
Sure, create a safe place for the to do it and make sure they have homes and support. Public use is already prohibited.
Sandra K commented
Harm reduction saves lives, reduces public disorder and crime. Phillip, you should instead be asking for more heroin and stimulants by prescription programs, safe crack smoking and injection venues (hence keeping drugs and drug users off the streets) and for the decriminalization and regulation of drugs as a public health priority (not a law enforcement priority - which obviously doesn't work as the last 100 years clearly shows). Do some research into the harm reduction-based solutions that might just work to everyone's advantage. Afterall, they are working in places like Portugal, the Netherlands, Switzerland etc....
alicia chaa commented
further solution based ideas please..
what does crack down really mean ?
cracking down is a band-aid
and does not go to the root of the problem..