Switch our power source from water (BC Hydro) to solar or wind
Reservoirs disrupt the natural water cycle, collecting dead biological material, resulting in massive amounts of carbon emissions, among other problems. And are NOT green. Let's switch it over to Solar or wind!

KiwiGandalf commented
You need base load generation capacity, or storage capacity that doesn't currently exist. Solar and wind are good for peak generation when the weather is right, but not all the time. How about geothermal?
Ekai commented
but back to what alisha said, lets build green power infrastructure not because hydro is non-sustainable, but because MANY of our major hydroelectric dams are nearing the age at which they have to be decommissioned. these things do have a shelf live believe it or not.
Ekai commented
massive amounts of space in urban areas is unused (rooftops mainly) and the birds+turbines myth is pretty ridiculous. lighted comm towers kill 100x as many birds per year. power lines cause 5000x more deaths. better start boycotting cellphones and ELECTRICITY....
Drive More commented
What are you going to do for power when there is no Sun or Wind?
Solar takes up massive amounts of space for all the solar collectors and wind power turbines kill lots of birds.