My feedback
4 results found
18 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment KiwiGandalf commented
You need base load generation capacity, or storage capacity that doesn't currently exist. Solar and wind are good for peak generation when the weather is right, but not all the time. How about geothermal?
732 votes
There is a Campus City Collaborative project in the early stages of planning, where all of the post-secondary institutions are working with the City and the VEDC to talk about movement toward the greenest city, with a focus on creation of green jobs.
An error occurred while saving the comment KiwiGandalf commented
SFU has a downtown campus and some of its programmes involved interacting with the outside world addressing real-world problems (Semester in Dialogue for instance). Rather than create another institution with another set of overheads and administrators, push for expansion of what is already existing. Get SFU to move from "Thinking of the World" to 'Engaging with the World".
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment KiwiGandalf commented
Maybe... but your proposal is likely to hasten or exacerbate the situation. And you are taking a very extreme view, probably too extreme. Debt is not necessarily bad, but has to be used in moderation for true assets.
11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment KiwiGandalf commented
French is also an official language, so why privilege English over French? And why should non-English signs be removed? We have many visitors and tourists from other countries and seeing signs in their own language makes this a more welcoming place to come to. And there isn't any requirement that Immigrants be fluent in English before they arrive. Most do learn English once they come, although there are exceptions and these are often elderly folk. Cultural differences are a part of Canadian society. Even among English-speaking Canadians, there are cultural differences between different regions. So lets accommodate and celebrate the differences, not try to eliminate them.