Stop making pedestrians push buttons at intersections with traffic lights
Pedestrians should not have to push the walk button at intersections with traffic lights, especially busy locations. Cambie and W Broadway is a prime example of this. Why is Vancouver making walking more of a hassle?

Joseph Jones commented
Someone from Traffic Engineering recently told me that those pushbuttons are intended to favor pedestrians over automobile traffic. That is not my experience. Pushbuttons at regular red-and-green intersections (not the flashing greens) make me feel like cars count and pedestrians do not.
Drive More commented
Synchronize pedestrian crossings with the existing traffic to reduce idling vehicles and pollution.
Russ Ashworth commented
There is no consistency anyway. Many intersections don't have a button one way or they hide the button some distance away in a place very difficult to access by wheel chair. This means that you often have to wait one or two turns before you can get the light to change.