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How can we reach our 2020
Greenest City Targets?

GC 2020

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657 results found

  1. promote native plant species

    Promote greenspace around infrastructure from native plant species.

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  2. Community sharing

    Provide infrastructure for equipment sharing amongst neighbours, such as tools, lawnmowers, and other device where we don't need one more per block.

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  3. 40 votes

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    City of Vancouver is considering the possibility of a ban for all new residential construction. This idea is considered in the draft Greenest City Action Plan. Chemical products of concern to possibly be addressed through a VoC strategy under consideration.

  4. aerobic composting

    To have all high desity apartments as well as all hotels use aerobic composting units. Unlike traditional compsting that attracts vermin and creates green hose gasses with the decomposition, aerobic composting units produce very limited amounts of green house gasses, they also have the ability to turn large volumes of organic waste into soil in short periods of time, this soil could then be used in parks or on farms to complete the cycle. Aerobic Composter are also faster in turning waste into soil some are able to process a ton within 24 hours, this would reduce the amount of…

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  5. Encourage all businesses to roof with solar panels.

    Ways of doing this could include government subsidies for new buildings going up if they build the roof/walls exposed to the sun with solar panels. Or, the company could use the energy it generates instead of having to pay for electricity from other sources or receive a reduction in taxes or something if their building provides power for the city's grid. This could also apply to houses, but I say businesses because I was thinking of skyscrapers due to the fact that they are so exposed to the sun most of the time.

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  6. Adopt an empty lot. Fill an empty bed

    Too much space in Vancouver lies fallow, artificially inflating demand for new construction, threatening farmland and driving up the cost of living. Oblige occupancy of vacant property and utilization of vacant land for urban agriculture, art or public greenspace.

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  7. granville island foot bridge

    If there were a foot/bicycle bridge slung underneath the Granville Street Bridge, it might encourage those that are driving from the West End to simply walk. As well, this would provide a an interesting circle walk around the east side of False Creek. The foot bridge could just go from the board walk to the island. It would need stairs, but could also have a pair of counter balancing elevators for those on bikes or handicapped. Heck, for extreme green fun, perhaps the elevator could be power by a small tidal generator in False Creek

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  8. 17 votes

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  9. make food not lawns

    Stop planting grass and instead plant food that people can eat. The big living roof on the convention centre has grass right now but it, and other roofs and lawns could have edible plants living on them.

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  10. 24 votes

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  11. Captain Planet : Vancouver Edition

    Hey. remember that TV show Captain Planet? (if not, go here: Remember that the TV show was awesome? We need to create a live action Captain Planet, set in Vancouver. Cue Planeteer "hub and spoke" power. Cue Planeteer " ALR" power. Watch them face off and duke it out against our modern day Hoggish Greedlies. You love it.

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  12. 26 votes

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    Almost all of the mail received in my actual mail box is "Junk Mail"

    Unrequested and unnecessary flyers and advertisements that just get tossed straight into the recycling bin.

    A waste of trees and additional pollution added by the ink and coloring printed on them.

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  14. Require Timer Light Swtiches & Motion Sensors for Lights in Building Code / Existing Bldg Retrofits

    It boggles the mind why in North America we light up our interior corridors, parkades and other common areas in buildings 24/7. Motion sensored lights in large parkades and common areas, and light switches on times in corridors and stairwells would keep people just as safe and give them light when it was needed, stopping the energy waste of having lights on all the time. It would also reinforce the conservation mentality that people might then bring into their homes as well.

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  15. Stop tar sand exports through the port of Vancouver

    Vancouver cannot pretend to be a green capital when it is actively moving to become a major oil export centre. How will the city look when a major oil spill occurs in the Burrard inlet? Worse still, do we have any contingency plans if such an event occurs? Who will pay for the cleanup?

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  16. eco fee for non-recyclable containers, not recyclable ones!

    Currently if you walk into a grocery store and buy a product in a recyclable container you will pay an eco-fee (this is not a deposit) to cover the cost of the recycling.... Hellooooooo. Why are we not charging a "landfill fee" for everything that's NOT recyclable instead???

    Eco-fees on products
    When you buy many products with a take-back program, you’ll pay an eco-fee to cover the cost of recycling. It’s not a tax, meaning it doesn’t go to the government. The eco-fee goes directly to the take-back program to pay for the cost of recycling or safe disposal. Eco-fees…

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  17. Use power generating tiles for pavement in high density walking areas

    Power generating tiles: the more people walk on these tile, the more power is generated, and the less use of traditional power generation options that depend mainly on fossil burning. These tiles could be used downtown, in malls, sky train stations, and any other area with high density of pedestrians.

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  18. Cultural Sustainability Ambassadors

    Vancouver has one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in Canada. Each cultural population responds to municipally-led sustainability challenges or requirements differently. In some ways, different immigrant populations have more sustainable living knowledge and experience than the mainstream Vancouver culture, in some ways they have less.

    The City needs to engage different cultural communities uniquely, determining which approaches work best for which cultures to ensure the uptake of sustainability initiatives -which approaches will be meaningful to which communities.

    Examples of this include identify existing social leaders in cultural communities (ethnic, income, age, ability, gender, etc.) and support them in order…

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  19. Support Green Art Organizations

    Art is used to inspire all matter of people. To shift our thoughts to a greener future, we need to focus on creating in the present.

    Organizations such as eatART ( ) has a mandate of spreading Energy Awareness Through ART, building audacious and improbable large-scale kinetic, robotic, and
    mechanized sculptures that investigate our human relationship to energy use.

    These pieces are taken to local events and educational institutions to provoke conversation on how we use energy.

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  20. Paperless Receipts for Retailers

    It would be nice if everywhere I shopped could offer me a digital receipt, instead of a paper one. Seems to me there are an awful lot of trees being cut down just to give me a few inches of paper that says I bought something.

    And in the digital age we live in, this should be pretty easy to implement.

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