make food not lawns
Stop planting grass and instead plant food that people can eat. The big living roof on the convention centre has grass right now but it, and other roofs and lawns could have edible plants living on them.

This idea is included within the draft Greenest City Action Plan. It has been started, with City-owned property being converted to community gardens and green streets. See:
Lise commented
I'm so glad I live on the east side where it's more common than not to have tomatos, swiss chard, corn, fig trees and herbs in your front garden. What is the point of a grass lawn.....never see anyone even out enjoying them!
Dave Peterson commented
Stop paying to cut the grass, instead make a profit, increase biodiversity and support local food.
Lease underutilized park spaces (eg. grass areas around tennis courts) and boulevard areas, to be used as organic (permaculture?) urban agriculture, either for community gardeners or for commercial gardeners. -
Jenni Rempel commented
Dear Geordie Milne: I saw your comment on "Encourage urban food production" and you are awesome. Keep being excellent. Permaculture = win.
Geordie Milne commented
Well said , absolutely essential
Aone commented
Grass can be eaten by humans and is used as a health food vegan drink and marketed as wheat grass to distinguish it from regular lawn grass but usually any cereal grass and rye grass can be eaten.
Also dandilions are an edible weed.