Cap on transit fare increase
Provide Translink with subsidies as long as they agree to place a cap on transit fare increases for the next five years. This way, taking public transportation remains to be an affordable option for the masses to help decrease carbon emissions.

Transit fares fall outside City jurisdiction, and there are multiple factors to consider. It is important that prices are affordable and equitable; at the same time, fares are an important revenue source for TransLink. The draft Greenest City plan will include directions to advocate for new sources of funding for improved transit (e.g. congestion pricing, vehicle levies).
Iona commented
Providing an effective transit service is an expensive undertaking. Therefore, to make it affordable for the users, other innovative funding sources should be implemented. These other funding sources should include congestion pricing, vehicle registriation levy, cargo levy, etc., all of which are ideas that TransLink has considered but yet to implement.