Plant additional trees on wide boulevards
Additional trees could be planted on streets with wide boulevards such as Charles between Nanaimo and Renfrew.

NOTE: Elle Zed's idea "Plant shade trees to reduce the urban heat island" has been merged with this one.
"Unshaded pavement increases the temperature in the city, creating a "heat island". When you travel by foot or bike, it's immediately apparent. Planting shade trees on every street will reduce the need for air conditioning and make walking and cycling more pleasant, not to mention create a literally green city."
Aone commented
If you want trees planted on your boulevard get a petition done and order the tree planting. As a homeowner you can do whatever you want as long as it meets the bylaws. If your not a homeowner STFU.
Access to Nature Working Group commented
Vancouver's Street Tree program is working to map tree deficient areas to put together a planting strategy. Some areas, such as the stretch on Charles mentioned, have already been identified as tree deficient and plans are underway to plant trees in the area!
benzcooper commented
This would be especially good if they were fruit trees which the community and passerbys could snack on.
David C. commented
sure its not enough but its something never the less. so yes to shade trees or and any other kind of tree and soil volume you want but lets plant them now!
[Submitted via mail by Penny Perry]
"The planted areas around and on Cambie Street bretween Broadway and 2nd Ave are lovely. More plantings please."
Michael James commented
Planting trees is not enough. You need to provide adequate soil volumes to grow a tree large enough to provide shade. 30m3 of soil for a 40cm diametre tree. The city needs to set soil volume requirements as part fo the tree planting detail.