Sewage Treatment options
There are efective natural ways to treat grey and sewage waters without dumping them into our enviroment without anything but primary treatment. One idea I read used water hyacinth to pureify the water, as the sewage runs though the ponds with the water hyacinth, the plant absorbes all of the waste products as well as any impurities, the result is pure water, yes you have to invest in holding ponds, but as the Hyacinth grow they consume CO2 reduing that green house gas, in fact the plants in the study I read were mulched and used to produce the gas that powered the entire project, so it was a very green system, there are any number of natural ways to clean our water, Hyacinths are only one suggeston because of how quickly they pureify water, zebra muscels, bogs and many other natural stuctures would offer the same types of benifits.

Donald commented
There is even a city in the USA that composts and bags all it's sewage, and then sells it as fertilizer.
The ponds and the hyacinth could be the first step in that process. But whether we can sell it as fertilizer or not, we certainly can't claim to be the greenest city, if we continue to dump millions of gallons of (essentially) untreated sewage into the Salish Sea every day!
Katy commented
well, thats a great idea!
Aone commented
Secondary sewage treatment is currently being planned along with a hefty increase in property taxes.