My feedback
15 results found
155 votes
An exciting idea that will be given serious consideration.
Donald supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
Great idea, but it simply cannot work with BC's bicycle helmet law.
This helmat law literally makes as much sense as a ski-helmet law that only applied to cross-country skiiers, when it's the downhilling that is dangerous.
Riding a bicycle on a street has very nearly the same head-injury rate, as crossing the street, walking on an icy sidewalk, or taking a shower. (a professional cyclist, died from a head-injury sustained while showering) But we got this helmet law after six people smacked their heads on trees or rocks, while riding through the woods, down the north-shore mountains (but the law on applies to bicyclists on public roads).
Please throw the law out, before more people make the wrong transportaion choice based on the incorrect notion that bicycling is more dangerous that motoring. (bicylists that obey road rules and are well lit at night, are fifty times safter than motorists)
8 votes
The plan addresses incentives for low- or no- emission buildings. Off-grid is not emphasized as one way of achieving our energy reduction and carbon neutral goals is through sharing excess renewable energy between buildings – which requires grid connection.
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
How could this be done, without it being yet another tax-break for the rich?
18 votes
Financing tools (currently under development) may encourage building owners to improve the performance of their buildings rather than rebuild
Donald supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
I'd love to do this to my house, but need the money.
I want to tear off my roof, and replace it with an attic suite. If I had space I'd put a solarium on the south side, but I don't so I'll just have floor to ceiling windows along the south side and the south part of the east and west. Lots of ceiling insulation, all triple glazed windows, and a heat pump, to store excess summer heat for use in winter. I should be able to solar heat my whole house this way. (unless my neighbor to the south does the same and blocks my sun, then I'll have to jack the whole house up, and add yet another story)
6 votes
Donald supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
To idea one; Yes, that would have helped my grandmother, who was trapped by traffic, as she was unable to cross, 12th, Burrard, or Granville, in the time allocated by the light.
And better than Richmond, are some lights in Burnaby, that have count-down timers, which display the number of seconds left before the light will change.
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
The existing street lights at almost every bike-route & busy street intersection, are extremely hazardous to cyclists. Because bicyclists are not given a yellow light.
Last summer's bicyclist 'crackdown' not only saw numerous people given fines for not wearing the right type of hat, but also a few tickets were issued for not stopping at stop signs when the cross-traffic was stopped at a red-light. Take out the stop signs and give us proper traffic lights already! -
28 votes
Donald supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
Putting solar panels directly onto the roofs of the aqua-busses might allow them to be electically powered, without quick charge or battery exchange stations.
Good luck getting translink to convert the sea-busses, they can't even seem to fund the third vessel.
13 votes
Donald supported this idea ·
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sign me up, I want to work as a pedicab driver. Yes drive, as in I'm the one providing the motive force to drive it forward.
14 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
This would be fine, as long as the timing was such that I could ride the 'green wave' while pedalling my bicycle at 25km/hr.
115 votes
Outside City jurisdiction. TransLink is continually looking at ways to improve transit throughout the region, but additional funding is needed to make progress. A number of regional projects and plans are under way, including the Evergreen Line, and South of Fraser Rapid Transit Study.
Donald supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
Great idea, just drop the 'light'. Light rail doesn't belong in a big city, give us Heavy rail. Skytrain has been this province's most expensive mistake.
It's too costly to expand, and doesn't move enough people. When there is an early morning accident on any fraser river bridge, the subsequent traffic jams divert so many people to skytrain, they have to shut the gates so that crowd surge doesn't force people onto the tracks. It just simply can't move enough people.
45 votes
One of the 2020 targets for Green Transportation is to reduce distance driven per resident 20% from 2007 levels. One of the major challenges is data — better data sources are needed to monitor progress and set more detailed targets. Odometer readings would be one way to get better VKT numbers, and would be possible with support from the Province and ICBC. Improved regional travel surveys are another possible approach.
Donald supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
West Coast Express style service at skytrain-like frequencies, on at least three routes into Vancouver, is what would be required to make Vancouver a no car city. If doesn't really matter what kind of finacial incentives are provided, people won't give up their cars until there is a viable alternative.
Although judging by the recent letter to 24hrs (the news daily) complaining that the nelson street bikeway increased his car-commute from the westend to downtown, by 3 whole minutes, some people will need financial incentives (or a gun to their heads), to get them out of their cars.
171 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
I like street cars, but don't know if we need them on Robson or Davie, can't people walk or ride a bicycle downtown from the west end?
I also don't think we need to invest in energy distribution. The sun shines just about everywhere and provides plenty of energy, all we need to do is capture and store that energy.
15 votes
Donald supported this idea ·
23 votes
Donald supported this idea ·
21 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
What about all the people with pollen allergies?
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Donald commented
Ban Electric vehicles from the streets of Vancouver! They do nothing to reduce pollution, they only move pollution from the tail-pipe to the factory smoke-stack. And being so quiet, they are an extreme hazard to pedestrians and cyclists. Hybrids are often just as quiet and should be banned too!
26 votes
Donald supported this idea ·