Work with the Province and Feds to create more light rapid and mass transit to outlying GVRD areas.
So much of our traffic comes from the outlying areas,even as far as Abbotsford. As housing in the downtown core continues to remain expensive many are seeing these areas as their best hope for a family scale living space. If we had high speed trains like in the city regions of the EU, Japan and other high density centres car dependency would be lessened and the region as a whole would be better serviced. Spend an afternoon in a traffic jam going east-west or west-east and I imagine you'll agree.
Outside City jurisdiction. TransLink is continually looking at ways to improve transit throughout the region, but additional funding is needed to make progress. A number of regional projects and plans are under way, including the Evergreen Line, and South of Fraser Rapid Transit Study.
Donald commented
Great idea, just drop the 'light'. Light rail doesn't belong in a big city, give us Heavy rail. Skytrain has been this province's most expensive mistake.
It's too costly to expand, and doesn't move enough people. When there is an early morning accident on any fraser river bridge, the subsequent traffic jams divert so many people to skytrain, they have to shut the gates so that crowd surge doesn't force people onto the tracks. It just simply can't move enough people.