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How can we reach our 2020
Greenest City Targets?

GC 2020

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657 results found

  1. City Energy Grid

    Let local solar, wind and other green energy producers (businesses and/or residents) sell energy into a city grid that supplies community infrastructure.

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  2. Promote car pooling and/or ride sharing programs

    There are a number of car pooling and/or ride sharing programs in Vancouver but they are not being used by very many people. If the City of Vancouver promoted them, they could reduce a very significant number of car trips.

    Some examples include:;;;;;; and

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  3. Promote a micro-economy

    Promote a micro-economy:
    Not everyone fits into the monoculture of work and life options available in Vancouver. A healthy city is a diverse city that allows individuals access to the economy on a range on increments. De-regulate work in homes. Integrate services and restaurants into neighbourhood streets and lanes. Turn on-street parking stalls into rent-by-the-hour food and retail vendors.

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  4. Provide a 5 year property break for buildings that go off grid.

    The concept is that if a building goes off grid, they will be given a property tax holiday for 5 years to fund it. They must use BC based technology whenever possible. This will green our existing buildings, create jobs and reduce out carbon footprint. An investment in our future that reflect all three legs of sustainability.

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    The plan addresses incentives for low- or no- emission buildings. Off-grid is not emphasized as one way of achieving our energy reduction and carbon neutral goals is through sharing excess renewable energy between buildings – which requires grid connection.

  5. Reduce single day ICBC rates to encourage mixed use transportation

    As an incentive to get people out of their vehicles and onto public transit more frequently, we are proposing a reduction in the fees for daily insurance, and a more user friendly alternative of purchasing daily insurance online.

    Current daily insurance rates cost $25 and require a visit to a local Autoplan broker.

    Average annual coverage in 2005 was $1079 or or $2.96 a day. 

    As a comparison, a person paying for 2 days a week, or every weekend would pay $2600 a year. 

    For most drivers this cost difference and the need to travel to a broker forces them…

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    Outside City jurisdiction, so City’s role is limited to advocacy. The City supports auto insurance schemes that better reflect the marginal cost of driving (i.e. the cost of the next trip), to send better pricing signals to help citizens make more informed travel mode choices.

  6. 2000W society

    To be the best, look around at the competition (friendly competition -- the other green cities of the world), and make sure you're at least matching the best policies out there.
    For instance a number of cities in Switzerland have put 2000 W mandates in their charter. A "2000 W society" is a nice framing of the common objective of averaging less than 2kW per person. A 1 t (ie per year, per person, of CO2e GHGs in this case) society might be more climate relevant.

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  7. Composting Program for Buildinga west of Denman

    Use part of Stanley Park to start a small composting program for apartments west of denman St. Low transport costs with high density...reduces garbage in dumpster and offers free compost for park and or residents. if it works duplicate using other parks in vancouver with nearby apartment complexes.

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    1 comment  ·  Reduce waste  ·  Admin →
  8. Encourage Community Groups

    Facilitate meetings at all community centres in the city that give neighbours an opportunity to meet and discuss topics relevant to their communities. This will support community involvement and decision making.

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    This kind of work is already underway all over the City, much of which is led by community organisations. Find one in your neighbourhood, or one that works on issues that you care about, and join in. This action plan includes building supports (e.g. tools, resources) to support community groups in talking about, and working toward, the greenest city.

  9. Switch building from natural gas to electricity

    Burning fossil fuels to heat our homes and buildings is the single biggest source of climate damage coming from Vancouver. It is 50% of city GHGs and much more damaging than all vehicle emissions. Vancouver should levy a carbon tax on natural gas and use it to subsidize people who choose to switch to electric heating, especially heat pumps. Vancouver will never be able to meet its climate goals and responsibility until nearly all natural gas burning is stopped. No new technology is needed as many buildings already are fully electric and have been for decades. Today 41% of energy…

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  10. Label local/green building materials.

    I would choose local/green building materials if there were some system of assurance. I would prefer to buy BC wood/materials for my house.

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  11. Start a chain of coffee shops that sells exclusively day old baked goods and expired dairy products.

    I hate walking into all these wasteful cafes and having my nose fill up with the smell of freshly baked goods when I know they are just going to get thrown out at the end of the day. I mean $2.25 for a croissant who has that kind of money. I suggest day old baked goods for sale for a quarter only, and then if you want a latte it is 50 cents but the milk might be a little sour. Remember that you are doing it for the environment, it for your childrens children so come on down and…

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  12. Include energy costs in city & province-funded construction projects.

    Construction projects get graded based on how cheap they are. But that costing model doesn't include the total environmental impact of a project, such as the carbon released by removing old buildings, the ongoing energy cost of the structures, etc.

    The best way to get an environmentally conscious city is to put in economic incentives. Construction is a very high-impact area where the city can exert influence simply by changing the guidelines. A cheap, high-impact proposal.

    Other cities are already doing it, and from what I hear UBC is already doing it for their own projects.

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  13. Small business from home, up to 10 clients can enter home a day in busines hours, as Burnaby allows

    small business at home needs to be able to have clients come to the location.
    Small business in a hood emlliminates emission and reduce traffic volume , encourages biking and walking, in creases neigbourhood safty around the clock , creates multi-leveled community interactions making living in the city more welcoming and stress free, supportive.

    Citizen interaction increases and takes cars out of rush hour as commuting to work is lowered as well as moms and dads can care for kids while having work at home , save money and have better more quallity interaction with their kids , rather then…

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  14. Put Some Teeth into Tree Policy:Trees really are an essential cornerstone to our green future.

    Trees really are an essential cornerstone to our green future. Very few strategies have as direct a relationship to carbon offset as does the planting of a tree. However to effectively achieve the planting of more trees (and protection of existing stock) will require a paradigm shift from the current passive City policy.

    For example:
    (1) The tree removal bylaw must be actively enforced in the manner that parking bylaws are with routine patrols and ticketing. Why not use the same active enforcement team? They are already out, patrolling resident neighborhoods. And the bylaw needs to be rewritten to put…

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  15. Build a cooperative economy.

    Co-op's are a great tool in building a green economy. They are member driven, and are grounded in local community needs and values. Let's see how many financial, housing, food, transportation, employment, and product needs can be met in our community by cooperatives.

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  16. Vancouver as a Cleantech Center

    Vancouver has a dynamic and growing clean tech cluster. These companies are home grown and are addressing global challenges. Vancouver could become the world's leading clean tech center, but we need incentives, a clean tech center, and programs to help Vancouver based companies stay in Vancouver as they grow.

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  17. Buying locally should not only include food but all items

    I heard rumours that the City choose to purchase material for the seawall reconsturction that requires shipping from China, I wonder how much GHG are used for shipping? . Again City Internal operations need to walk the talk and set the example and be leaders.

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  18. Create green collar jobs for local residents, especially low threshold opportunities

    Use the principles of community economic development to create job opportunities for those with barriers to employment, including incentives for green businesses that provide local employment and procurement of local goods

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  19. Simplify, Synchronize, and Rationalize the Collection of Recyclable Materials.

    Simplify: Have one large blue bin - the same capacity as the City’s largest Green Bin currently used for single family dwelling yard waste collection. The current residential recycling program is too little and too complex. Most residents do not understand what can go into one of three distinct containers and they don’t understand that they can request additional containers. Miss-mixed containers and stacks of cardboard not broken down to the requisite 12”x12” sheets are routinely left curbside to rot and eventually be discarded in the larger waste containers. The current fact that the blue box is tiny and waste…

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  20. Increase the number of facilities available for community kitchens/ food processing

    Are people still interested in joining community kitchens? These were popular a couple of years ago but excitment seems to have died off due to a lack of available facilities.
    Have community kitchen with themes- such as urban singles, local food etc...
    Have these spaces double as urban food processing centres- have commercial kitchens set up to allow groups to come in and process large amounts of local food at harvest time so that it will be available for later us. Host workshops on various low energy food preservation techniques, nutrition, cooking, low energy cooking etc...
    Install large size community…

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