Require businesses to be responsible for their own waste
Utilize responsive upzoning · under review
Develop a Vancouver Food Action Plan · under review
Environmental public health surveillance · declined
Organic, Fair Trade and Low carbon agricultural products · started
BYOC (Bring Your Own Container/Cup)
All Jobs Green
Promote hotels that offer biodegradable guest amenities
Coordinate waste management truck routes
Improve air quality monitoring and make it educational · under review
Eliminate residential curbside recycling collection of packaging materials
Green computing in all government offices · under review
Compost Organic Soil for City and Homeowner Projects Instead of Non-Sustainable Excavated Soils
Switch building from natural gas to electricity
pharmaceutical plastic packaging
Include a class/wealth analysis in ecological footprints · under review
High Tech Large Volume Composting instead of Incineration
Provide more effective security on transit
hazardous materials amnesty day