Coordinate waste management truck routes
To reduce vehicle emissions, waste management companies for apartment/condos should be coordinated by route / area. I see several different private garbage trucks drive down the same alleys every day. There is a lot of redundancy and extra traffic to collect garbage when several different companies have bins in the same city block. If only one company were responsible for a whole area, their trucks could travel more efficiently, and the number of miles driven by garbage trucks overall in the city would be reduced

Grant Gilron commented
Indeed, this is a no-brainer, and could have a significant impact.
For lane garbage and recycling pick-up routes, residents could be assigned one side of the lane to place their garbage so trucks would only need to drive in one direction. This would probably reduce GHG emissions by at least 40%, not to mention cost savings in gas. -
Tamara Shulman commented
Yes! Some kind of franchise agreement, or at least hauler coordination, makes hauling more efficient and can add incentives for diversion. Regarding the latter, if one hauler handles organics and garbage, they can more easily switch out containers as organics diversion increase and garbage decreases in an inversion - without there being a disincentive. It also provides an opportunity to get creative about using split trucks to add efficiency, provide more frequent pickup as organics becomes the norm etc. Legal hoops to jump through on this change, but worth it.