Organic, Fair Trade and Low carbon agricultural products
Promotion of Fair Trade, organic and low carbon imports. Why not take social and environmental responsibility for your consumption? People will always want an avocado, mango, a cup of coffee or tea on their tables. There are agricultural products that can not been grown locally, so why not import them but making sure they are low carbon, and that they are not harming our planet and its producers?

The City has a procurement policy covering our own procurement choices that includes many of these issues; it is now being implemented throughout City operations.
Annalea Krebs commented
We need to make it easy and fun to be an ethical consumer so that green becomes mainstream! Check out, a local site that makes it easy to find and try out the best organic, fair trade and green products in your city.
Brittney commented
implement and enforce green bin compost recycling program in appartment and condo buildings.
distribute garbage and recycling dual use bins generously throught the city.
Garth Mclean commented
All the food vendors in city should sell- clean-chemical free hotdogs & sliced meats, juices, fruit ( organic)
Kevin McCarty commented
Please support Fair Trade. It provides an greener alternative to products that are in very high demand in Vancouver (e.g. coffee, tropical fruits, etc).
Nancy McCartney commented
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Let's ban styrofoam. In order to destroy it, it has to be incinerated, and it still leaves a gunky mess. There are other alternatives that are more environmentally recyclable. Not only do we use styrofoam for take out food, but out summer berries in markets are packed this way. Aluminum, plastic and paper (while not the best) options are much better than styrofoam.
Melissa commented
Awesome idea, and a fantastic way to keep thinking globally despite the city-centered focus of this challenge.
Trevor commented
Purchasing fair trade products supports producers in the developing world who are using more sustainable farming practices, rather than large-scale, chemical intensive monoculture. It also provides enough income to farmers that they don´t feel the need to move to big cities to look for work, which helps reduce urbanization.