Ban all wood burning appliances in the City of Vancouver. Wood smoke is a severe health hazard
City of Vancouver is considering the possibility of a ban for all new residential construction. This idea is considered in the draft Greenest City Action Plan.
Mimi commented
You are all crying out on this, but why? When was the last time you actually smelled wood smoke in the city? There's more important stuff to deal with.
Mimi commented
I like my wood burning fireplace. My apartment is not well linked with the building's heating sensors and wood burning is actually carbon neutral.
As for Asthma and air quality concerns, I've been an asthmatic all my life. Never a problem with wood smoke, unless your uneducated enough to burn arsenic treated woods. Bad air quality living situations for me have been linked to heavy petroleum burning (automotive), chemicals used in public pools, and smokes from tobacco and marijuana.
Guy Renaud commented
Ban all wood burning!
Air Is Precious commented
Air Is Precious
See the following esteemed Websites for further information about Woodsmoke Pollution!
Become Woodsmoke Wise Today. Don't Wait!
Breathe Healthy Air
Clean Air Revival
Vicki Morell commented
see All residential wood burning is a severe health hazard and major contributor to global warming.
Terry Tardiff commented
Protect the health all of citizens and ban burning, Wood smoke from wood stove and fireplaces are making people sick causing COPD, Asthma, Heart Disease and Cancer. Smoke from burning is the number 1 air pollution in B.C. If Vancouver is a green city then why is burning allowed? Time to protect human health and the health of our planet. Stop wood stove smoke and ban all outdoor burning .PLEASE
Guy Renaud commented
Wood burning is causing so much grief to many citizens, and to our environment.
There is no need for wood burning when we no longer live in the cave days.
Please put an end to the suffering that wood smoke is causing us all.
Air Is Precious commented
All Woodburning should be banned in urban communities. Canadians are suffering from breathing the acrid Woodsmoke filled air that permeates our neighbourhoods and destroys the quality of our life and our health. Our fragile envrionment also suffers from the needless burning of Wood.
See Clean Air Revival:
We all deserve the right and common decency to breathe healthy air-woodsmoke-free.
BAN all Woodsmoke!!
Woodsmoke-free communities will become the legacy we will leave future generations!A quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer says it all:
"The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children"
Our municipalities and government must take action to BAN Woodburning in all Canadian cities.
It is time that Woodsmoke Pollution becomes our number one priority!
People are suffering and dying from Woodsmoke related diseases.Speak up and take action to Ban all Woodburning! Your life and breath depend on it.
Cathy commented
Everyone should have the right to breathe air that is clean, healthy, and free of harmful and unnecessary wood smoke pollution.
vsteblin commented
High external heat is a luxury and unnecessary for basic human health. Wear more clothes to keep the individual warm and butt out especially with wood smoke.
Aone commented
So are charcoal BBQs! So charcoal burning BBQs should also be banned.
Vicki Morell commented
All wood burning whether it is from a forest fire, fire pit or any residential wood burning appliance all have 1 thing in common they all produce toxic emissions. Wood smoke and odour is a severe health hazard and major contributor to global warming. Vancouver can never become the greenest city in the world as long any wood burning is allowed. Wood smoke makes people sick and kills many! Burning is an option...breathing is not.