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How can we reach our 2020
Greenest City Targets?

GC 2020

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4 results found

  1. City Employees Are City Residents

    If unable to mandate that city employees reside in the City of Vancouver, create incentives for its employees to live in the City that they get paid to make better. Including teachers, police and firefighters. Besides recyling tax dollars, it will encourage employee buy-in to the health and vitality of Vancouver, and shrink the collective footprint of City staff commuters.

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    The City of Vancouver is working toward creating complete communities throughout the city so that all residents can work, live and play within walking distance of each other, and that people can afford to live in the community in which they work. The City can’t mandate where staff choose to live.

  2. Green Light District #2

    In verdant solidarity with greenest city objectives, city streetlight covers should be adjusted to cast a green glow, a night-time reminder of our greenestcity status.

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  3. Sustainability is not possible in an environment of economic growth

    The best way we can keep our ecological footprint from taxing more and more of the the planet .... is to stop growing our ecological footprint. Economic growth must stop. Lose the illusion, you simply cannot flaunt supposed "sustainability" PR in a city whose economy depends on perpetual economic growth, this is an oxymoron.

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    This is very important context in which to think about our greenest city work, however it is difficult to figure out how to integrate this into a 10 year greenest city action plan in one municipality. This idea has been shared with our green economy working group as well.

  4. One natural child per woman

    Overpopulation is our greatest problem. While the city cannot restrict births, it should, as a matter of public relations, encourage only one natural child per woman, and shame those who make the unsustainable choice of larger families.

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