One natural child per woman
Overpopulation is our greatest problem. While the city cannot restrict births, it should, as a matter of public relations, encourage only one natural child per woman, and shame those who make the unsustainable choice of larger families.
Though the population continues to grow, it is really overconsumption of resources that is causing most of the ecological damage we see.
Leslie-Ann commented
I think this should read 'One natural child per person' or even better 'per couple'. Men should have their reproduction limited just as equally as women, considering they have a greater propensity to have multiple marriages/families.
This initiative has to be more than just a public relations has to be mandated, across all races, all religions (and ideally all countries). People should either be heavily penalized (annual taxes or forced to leave vancouver) for exceeding their one per person limit, or rewarded (tax breaks) if they adhere to the limit.
Procreation might be a biological imperative, but its not a human right. It is however, a moral responsibility of everyone, especially those of us in first world countires, to limit our reproduction in order to save the planet. This is ultimately THE ANSWER to all of our environmental woes from global warming (too many people), to cod and salmon stock crashes(too many people eating them), to endangered species (too many people populating the land), to energy use (you get my drift). Although all the other suggestions on the site are 'nice' they have a minor impact in comparison with this one. This is the one suggestion THAT TRULY MAKES A DIFFERENCE and will massively and rapidly reverse, in one generation, the fate of the planet.
Be brave Vancouver. This is THE answer to all our problems. This is the greenest target of them all. Zero, or below zero, population growth.