Green Hastings Park
This public asset is being used by a Casino, a dying horse racing industry, a year round comercial rental industry, a noisy amusement park, and two coorporate ball clubs.
Daylight the salmon stream, return the community soccer fields. etc...

Rebelah Davies commented
When we moved to Hastings/Sunrise 15 years ago we were very excited about the plans to transform Hastings Park back into a natural space that would be a jewel for East Vancouver. As the project stalled, and plans and promises were delayed and broken we realized that everything that we hoped for (and other areas of Vancouver have) was slipping away. Today we are left with half a "park" that has few green areas that are lost in a sea of parking lots and what seems to be a never ending series of commercial enterprises. The whole experience has left our family cynical of anything city hall promises, and the will and ability of our city administration to actually do something that will benefit the community that surrounds this park.
Jon Scop commented
It's amazing that the west side of this city has not only Stanley Park, but the huge Pacific Spirit park as green spaces. The eastern half, where most of the population lives, has..... almost nothing. Hastings Park should be, if anything, greener -- more woods, more playing fields, more nature. The size of Playland should be decreased, not increased. I'm sick of the city giving in to corporate interests and doing nothing for those of us who live here.
Sheila Daykin Lindfield commented
Increasing parking at the PNE by 2,000 spaces, closing off an additional 65 acres to the public, and allowing the PNE to operate many more weeks of the year violates the needs of our city for additional green space universally available, year round. If Vancouver aspires to be the greenest city in the world, which is Mayor Robertson's goal, then Hastings Park needs to expand its green spaces, build playing areas for children, and continue to encourage the return of wildlife by building and maintaining appropriate habitat. Spectacular and exotic foliage can thrive in the water-rich environment of the Sanctuary and Italian gardens. Woodland areas could be added and an walking overpass to New Brighton Park needs to be completed.
James Lindfield commented
I want to see a Hastings Park which offers a large, publicly accessible, green space: including extensive playing fields, play areas forested areas , and streams for the people and children of the city to flourish in. Make a connection to the waterfront in New Brighton Park via a bridge to Hastings Park, that has been promised for sixteen years at least. I want to see bike routes that run through the park connecting it with the rest of Vancouver and Burnaby and the Trans Canada Trail. Lastly I suggest that we keep this land as green land should we need to start growing more food within the city.
I do not want a corporate privatized astro-turf, convention centre, , Playland )private company) expansion. I do not want to see this valuable resource that belongs to the people of the city, turned into a 70% ticket holders theme park.
I want a park which has a real green vision behind it, not a cash generator.
Rethink the vision-less, Master Plan.
melina Auerbach commented
The sanctuary is an oasis for the East Side -- and should be treated accordingly. Expanding playland as is currently proposed will add nothing but headaches ,pollution, congestion to the area. Greening the space benefits everyone from young to old, and of all income levels.
Moonkwean commented
The commercialization of "The Park" has to stop. A park is to be used for public enjoyment and recreation. The neighbourhood has the ideas please implement them. It has been too long, between restorations. Let a " real " park emerge from the asphalt jungle.
Peter Hammel commented
Vancouver's east side and its residents want our park back as it was promised 100 years ago as a wild forested park " ungardened "with the salmon stream daylighted. They should get it right ,GREEN LAND ---NOT Playland.
Diana Pollock commented
Hastings Park was given to the citizens of Vancouver in trust for our use as a park. To me a park means green space for recreation, contemplation, and enjoyment not a place to buy discounted shoes,eat crummy food, or pay $30 to park. Hand over control of Hastings Park to the Park Board we elected, and stop flying the PNE nostalgia flag up the flag pole. It is not the agricultural fair it was 100 yrs ago and the PNE should not control our Park.
Pat Miller commented
Since its creation in 1998/1999, the Sanctuary has provided important habitat for at least 120 species of migratory and resident birds. Rather than increasing the commercial built footprint at Hastings Park, let's realize the vision of the original restoration plan, expand the re-greened area and daylight Hastings Creek all the way to New Brighton Park and Burrard Inlet.
Les Leighton commented
I have always felt that Playland should not have so many permanent rides set in place but set in a green area accessible year-round except perhaps during the fair season in which rides can be brought in. I would like to see green (forest) corridors that would allow easy access from Hastings Park to New Brighton Park. The Sanctuary has attracted approx. 120 recorded bird species and the mix of forest, meadow, undergrowth and wetlands are what is needed to keep them coming.
Roger Ward commented
Greedy business interests continue to rule our lives at every level. Their influence extends through their media and governments and is manifested from globalization down to innocuous local issues such as bike lanes and more green space.
Of course, all private commercial interests should be gradually kicked out of the whole park so it can return to nature and be our own Central or Stanley Park but unfortunately, inspite of the efforts of a valiant few, I do not see a groundswell of support for this from east-siders. This is the only way it will happen; a mass movement. -
Stephen Wagner commented
This is my closest park. Olympics, concerts, and playland have almost curtailed my usage of it. If Gregor Happyplanet can cater to westside cyclists, he can surely cater to this potential greenspace.
C Struik commented
I much prefer the wildlife that the sanctuary attracts to the wildlife that Playland attracts. That area of town needs a calm oasis to escape to.
Laurence Cohen commented
I'm very dismayed and dillusioned about the flip-flop the City has done regarding this vital parkland that should be returned to green space rather than create more paved car parking and another concrete conference centre??? What happened to the promises of creating the greenest city by the year 20?? How can this possibly happen if the City goes down this path? How many conference centres does this City need? How many can we afford? If we are truly going to go "eco" dense then the collective sardines need a green space to play, not another roller coaster or merry-go-round... Shame!
roanna campbell commented
Karen Gram commented
the fact that this park has been used and abused for commercial purposes for so many years should be a reason to make it a real park now, not a reason to continue to exploit it to make money. This neighbourhood deserves a real park. I want the stream daylighted, a path connecting Hastings Park to New Brighton so we can get a decent walk out it of and a return to community soccer fields.
Don commented
If the park is making money, which other parks in Vancouver do not, at least put some of it back into the community through greater access to green space, a new and accessible Community Centre (corner of Hastings and Renfrew would be good) and some traffic calming. Dundas is a hazard to young students and the elderly, and crossing Renfrew would grealy be improved by putting a boulevard down the centre. If it can be done on Clark.....
J. Bruce Pollock commented
I am being consistent with my opinion of the city proposal. I am not in favour of the commercialization of Hasting Park. I am not in favour of the casino at the track nor expanding parking. The creek needs to be daylighted and restored to a point where salmon can spawn and support other riparian life. Finally, Hastings needs to be greened with better access to improve the balance and equitable distribution of green space between in the City of Vancouver.
Peter Massiah commented
Vision Statement:
The vision statement is incomplete. It lacks an essential and undeniable element. Hastings Park is a neighbour.
For example:
Hastings Park is a neighbour:
-a neighbour to vital residential neighbourhoods of long standing;
-a neighbour to the places and processes of raising families and enjoying the comforts and shelter of home and local community.
As a neighbour, of municipal and regional scale, Hastings Park will be aware of and responsive to its impact on these sensitive and valued neighbourhoods.The stated intention of increasing Playland by 30% to 70% raises more questions than answers. If one assumes continuation of current trends in Playland type attractions, (bigger, better, crazier) the negative visual and auditory impacts are obvious and need to be addressed.
That the selection and placement of ‘additional attractions’ will reflect concern for the neighbourhood context in which Hastings Park finds itself, needs to be a stated operating principle of the Hastings Park Plan.
New Brighton Park:
New Brighton Park is the only open Vancouver park space associated with the community of Vancouver Heights. It currently gives us spaces for quiet walks, pet exercise, jogging, soccer leagues, family and community picnics, tennis games and for 4 months of the year, a local swimming pool. It provides the community with a quiet, tranquil space for individual and family enjoyment.
To integrate New Brighton Park into the municipal/regional entity of Hastings Park is to risk losing it as a local, community friendly, community scaled resource and amenity.
The other unique features of Hastings Park make it the municipal and regional attraction that it is. It does not need New Brighton Park to achieve its purpose. It ought not to include it. -
Georgina commented
Give East Vancouver the green park they were promised a hundred years ago. No other city park has to tolerate, let alone support, a fair, an amusement park, professional sports, music concerts, movie rentals, trade shows, commercial sales events, horse racing, slots and, oh yes, parking, parking, parking.