Green Hastings Park
This public asset is being used by a Casino, a dying horse racing industry, a year round comercial rental industry, a noisy amusement park, and two coorporate ball clubs.
Daylight the salmon stream, return the community soccer fields. etc...

Jean Johnson commented
I am shocked that the City plans to double the size of Playland! Yet the public access areas are not being significantly increased. Expand the sanctuary! Create playing fields! Allow us, the area residents, free access to more green space which has been proven to increase well-being and promote healthy communities. Give the Parks Board a free rein to make park decisions in OUR Hastings Park.
PW commented
Don't expand Playland - expand the green spaces and waterways so that they can connect back to Burrard Inlet. Future generations will thank you for this.
Why doesn't the Parks Board govern Hastings Park? It should!
Rich Sobel commented
As I wrote to the City council earlier this year, I think it's time to rethink the Hastings Park master plan and give the Hastings East Vancouver residents the kind of "green space" park that is on a par with other neighborhoods in this great city. Downtown and the West End have Seawall and all its wonderful amenities, Kits has the beach and relatively easy access to other beaches and Pacific Spirit Park. Same goes for Point Grey and Shaughnessy. Cambie area has QE Park, Commercial drive and Victoria have Trout Lake and while we have the popular New Brighton Park, combining it with a greener Hastings Park that is NOT a casino, amusement park, dying race track etc and connecting all this to the Hastings Community Centre would send a strong message to our city that our Council is actually committed to more than just a green political spin message but has the will and means to invest in its residents for longterm benefits rather than short term economic gains.
Melanie C. commented
- Let the elected Parks Board govern Hastings Park!!
- Expand the Conservancy green space and keep new green space in PUBLIC access areas - not behind Playland gates where people have to pay to enjoy it.
- don't enlarge Playland - expand public park space!
- yes to bike path, and prioritize alternate transportation access.
- focus on public-access, public use (not paid-use) buildings and facilities that EVERYONE can enjoy. -
Linda Shuto commented
We need more actual park and access to nature at Hastings Park, not double the Playland and a four story parking lot.