Grow local supply chains
For Vancouver to be a sustainable city locally-owned businesses mustbe able to source locally. This is especially true of light manufacturing (clothing, utensiles ...), food, local stories. We should be moving information around the world (bits) but physical supply chains should be grounded in the local economy. Let's look for the subsidies and tax incentives that act against local supply chains (most of these are federal and provincial, but let's look at the city as well). A great service would be an open social directory of local suppliers!

Recommendations for greening existing businesses include recommendations to support building of local supply chains. This idea is included in the draft Greenest City Action Plan
NOTE: LoCo's idea "Buy local" has been merged with this one.
Buying from local businesses reduces greenhouse gases associated with transportation, supports local jobs and builds a green economy. Support a local business organization for local sustainable businesses. This group provides a resource for consumers to put their money where their green local economy is, but also helps to work with large municipal purchasers to get them to support local business through their supply chains.
HelenS commented
I think there was an initiative like this in Eugene OR about 20 (?) years ago. A group did a survey that disclosed products that could easily be locally produced but were being procured from afar - printed materials used by hotels was one example that I recall. They put the hotels together with local printers to supply the materials. Because of scale issues, I think this would be a good initiative for Vancouver's BIAs.
Andrew Frank commented
Great idea! So often its difficult to find local suppliers of common goods (even though they exist).
NOTE: Anonymous' idea "Start a self sustained economy of local made food, goods, and services that are sustainble and green" has been merged with this one.
"Like we had about 120 years ago before we started industrializing and paving over the forest that sustained us. Cut away the irresponsible capitalists and start supporting and empowering the community initiatives that support local economies only."
Juvarya Warsi commented
Not sure I agree with the hyperbole about capitalists but I certainly support a local food economy.
Kira Gerwing commented
This suggestion ties in to the some of the ideas related to procurement. If the big buyers commit to buying local, local economies benefit directly.
Saul Brown commented
Check out, we're working on it!