Enforce lawn sprinkling restrictions during summer months
In the summer months, water use can double, with most of this water being used on lawns. Sprinkling restrictions have been in place since 1998 without strict enforcement. By implementing an education and enforcement strategy, Vancouver could expect to achieve a 15 % reduction in outdoor water use.
The cost of an education and enforcement program would be off-set by the revenue from the ticketing program. Additional revenues could be reinvested into other conservation measures, like incentives for low flow toilets and shower heads.
Included in the Draft Greenest City Action Plan.
NOTE: Greg's idea "Restrict sidewalk watering" has been merged with this one.
"It's so annoying seeing people wasting water on the sidewalk. Use a broom! Let's have a fine of at least $100 for this nincompoopery."
S Bradd commented
I agree that Vancouver should prioritize drinking water for drinking, not watering lawns in the summer time. Looking over the fence, the biggest crop grown in the USA is grass. (Not even corn, but grass). You can't eat it, and we export water from Canada that is tied into the bigger picture.
Kyall Glennie commented
vancouver needs to encourage local flora for yards and gardens. A water restriction is one way to do that. I live in an apartment building with no yard and thus use minimal water; I don't see why other homes can't do the same.
Garth Yule commented
On an evening bike ride through the West side of Vancouver I was appalled at the number of homes with automatic sprinkler systems and lush green lawns. What a waste of clean drinking water.
jason.hall.music commented
Let's do away with lawns entirely. Vancouver has the ability to feed itself if we use our lawns for gardens.