mobile community gardens in empty lots
Community gardens could be setup in the gated empty lots around the city. The lot owner could put up a sponsorship sign so they get the free advertising of supporting something helpful to the community. The garden could be setup in a way that it could be moved to another lot when the original lot was eventually put to another use.

Draft Greenest City Action Plan includes a strategy to increase community garden plots of a variety of scope and scale.
giselle commented
I think this is a great idea, I think we should have more access to moveable gardens, to maximize our sun exposure, our space and our growing capacity. I believe this will make renters feel more at ease with garden, instead of putting all this work in and then moving to a new place and starting over, you just move your garden with you.
andrew commented
Thanks! I would be interested to be involved with something like that if anyone was interested.
@Andrew, sounds like an interesting design competition idea for someone to take on.
Anonymous commented
This is a good idea overall, but we should also keep in mind that some lots are fenced and empty because they have been contaminated. I would not want to enter those types of spaces.
andrew commented
Could also have an open collaborative design for how to make the gardens mobile, and put it online so people could share ideas on how to do it.