Ban Smoking in All buildings and Public Spaces
The only exception would be open spaces on private properties.

Smoking is governed under Bylaw #9535. City of Vancouver has no jurisdiction over the use of personal barbeques.
Ekai commented
ok, lets just be clear. "going green," is that changing things in order to make them more environmentally friendly or changing things to make you more comfortable?
your kids expose themselves to a GREAT many more chemicals and toxic/chronic substances each day simply by living in a urban environment than they do by playing outside when your neighbor is smoking on his porch.
are smokers the black people of the 21st century? -
Chemical Hypersensitive commented
Smoking in many public spaces has been banned already, indoors and out and I trust that smoking on private properties may be next. Who would have thought that the little cigarette could cause so much hardship and human suffering! Tobacco smoke contains 4000 harmful chemicals and these chemicals are toxic for everyone; children and adults alike.
Re: Report of the Surgeon General. The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, states: Scientific evidence indicates that there is no ‘risk-free level’ of exposure to secondhand smoke! Exposure of adults to secondhand smoke has immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and causes coronary heart disease and lung cancer!
Such findings would suggest that out of doors ‘tobacco smoking’ should be prohibited on private properties also, in order to protect citizens from neighbouring secondhand smoke. And people, who can not heed the warnings surrounding smoking, would be well advised to smoke in their own dwellings and have the windows and doors tightly closed. The same measures would be applicable for marihuana users.
Provincial Government has addressed smoking in most public areas but there is no protection from secondhand smoke, for people in their own yards and homes. This should be closely locked at by Vancouver Lawmakers when they talk about ‘Going Green’ and children should be very much a point of focus when decisions are made. Our children are Canada’s future; the quality of Canadian life depends on them; lets keep them save!
In time, it may be sociable unacceptable to permit anyone to smoke on private properties because of children’s safety.
Our children not only playing in parks; they do play in their own backyards; close to the home, where a parent can keep an eye on them. Children, who are attending a day-care home and playing in the yard of such premises, would be subjected to the secondhand smoke from neighbouring smokers.
Like any smoke, tobacco smoke does drift and will cause harm to everyone breathing it. Neighbouring smoke is invading the space of other people; and therefore preventing the enjoyment of ones own property and home; such violates the Community Charter and will, involuntarily, expose people to cancer causing chemicals!