smoke-free housing
Create incentives and initiatives to encourage and support lung-friendly, affordable multi-unit housing (rentals, co-ops, and condos), which would include bans on smoking, barbecues, toxic scented laundry products, and other common, difficult-to-avoid domestic pollutants so that people with respiratory disabilities can finally have a safe place to live. No one should have to choose between having their health and having a home.

Smoking is governed under Bylaw #9535, City of Vancouver has no jurisdiction over the use of personal barbeques.
Chemical Hypersensitive commented
Smoke-free housing, yes! But not only multi-unit dwellings deserve such logical consideration, as we are talking Green. City Fathers have it in their power, via Community Charter, to ban out-of-door smoking in private properties. Vancouver has banned smoking in Parks and other places which is great but just like the Provincial Government, no consideration has been given to the protection from secondhand smoke for people in their own yards and homes. This should be closely locked at by Vancouver Lawmakers when they talk about ‘Going Green’ and children should be very much a point of focus when decisions are made. Our children are Canada’s future; the quality of Canadian life depends on them; lets keep them save!
Smoking is becoming more and more sociable unacceptable and a ban of smoking on private properties would make a great deal of sense and mainly because of children’s safety.
Our children not only playing in parks; they do play in their own backyards; close to the home, where a parent can keep an eye on them. Children, who are attending a day-care home and playing in the yard of such premises, would be subjected to the secondhand smoke from neighbouring smokers.
Like any smoke, tobacco smoke does drift and will cause harm to everyone breathing it. Neighbouring smoke is invading the space of other people; and therefore preventing the enjoyment of ones own property and home; such violates the Community Charter. -
Chemical Hypersensitive commented
Smoke-free housing – great idea! I imagine this is meant, to be free of tobacco and marihuana smoke because houses, since the late 1980ties, have been build with gas fuelled fireplaces and furnaces; in that respect they already are smoke free. But it does not matter how smoke-free ones own home is; the noxious, airborne, odours from tobacco and related products, wood-smoke and laundry additives created in neighbouring dwellings can still invade and cause harm. Best to ban them!
Vicki Morell commented
So is residential wood smoke. All second hand smoke need to be taken seriously.
Anonymous commented
BAN ALL CIGARETTE SMOKING IN ALL MULTI UNIT DWELLINGS: CONDOMINIUMS, TOWNHOUSES, LOW-INCOME HOUSING!!! i have protection at work, at my child's school, at public places but not in my own home!!! Drifting secondhand smoke is killing us!
Anonymous commented
How many of us have to put up with neighbours endangering our health, the health of our children and seniors? I have put up with 2 neighbours for 3 years destroying my summers in my condo. My Strata council won't do anything. Time to stand up to rude pigs polluting my home!!!