GC 2020
59 results found
Free parking for scooters and motorcycles!
Create free parking for scooters and motorcycles, especially in congested areas like Downtown! It just makes sense: Two-wheeled vehicles take up less space on the road and are more fuel-efficient than cars. We just need safe, affordable and accessible parking.
Vote to support free scooter and motorbike parking!!!
13 votes -
Get rid of refrigeration energy hogs
Refrigeration consumes ridiculous amounts of energy. More energy-efficient appliances help, but we could do a lot better than that:
No matter how energy-star compliant, fridges consume energy in proportion to how much they have to cool the air. Our houses are warm places year round. Coastal BC on average has cooler temps outside in the shade year round, including being very close to perfect fridge temps about six months of the year. Why are our fridges inside our warm houses? Build fridges into house/apartment kitchens such that most of the appliance projects outside, with just its insulated door in the…
2 votes -
Separate organic matter out of the waste stream and convert it to biogas
When food scraps and organic matter decompose in landfills, methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, is created. If captured properly, methane can be used as a fuel source (known as biogas). Biogas is considered carbon neutral since, unlike natural gas, it does not add any new carbon to the atmosphere. Separating organic matter out of the waste stream and converting it to biogas lowers the greenhouse gas emissions associated with our waste, creates a new fuel source, and makes recycling easier.
29 votesThe City has already started a food scraps collection program for neighbourhoods where yard trimmings are collected. These materials are currently composted. With more organic waste diversion, the City will explore opportunties to implement technolgies that produce biogas like gassifiers and anaerobic digesters.
Relax building heights of single family homes to 3-storeys when a secondary suite is provided
Predominantly single family neighbourhoods in most older Canadian cities are chock a block with beautiful, well-proportioned 3-storey homes. Toronto & Montreal have many noteworthy examples. Many of these homes contain 2-4 separate suites but maintain the look and feel of a single detached home. An effective method for increasing density in a sensitive way, much like laneway housing, would be to relax building heights to allow for 3-storey homes. To ensure density is actually increased, require secondary suites on their own floor. 3 Storey duplexes could also be developed that include 2 main dwelling units and 2 secondary suites for…
4 votes -
Encourage clothes lines through subsidized "kits" and installation assistance
Dryers are huge energy sucks, and outdoor clothes lines can do a fine job drying laundry (at least for the 50 days a year it doesn't rain!). Perhaps a summer student could be hired to come install clothes lines at residences around the city.
11 votesSeveral years ago the City devleoped water saver kits to help people conserve water. Look for clothes line kits to be ready for distribution in 2011.
2 stroke scooters
The 2 stroke engine requires both gas and oil to burn, the emissions of a 2 stroke lawnmower are worse than even large trucks, a 2 stroke scooter is even worse than a lawnmower as the engine is bigger. It's great that a 2 stroke scooter is not so bad on fuel consumption and is smaller in need of materials to build. But 4 strokes and electrics are readily available. I think that we'd all breathe easier if 2 stroke scooters weren't allowed to belch out noise and pollution in Vancouver.
1 vote -
Prohibit the use of outdoor space heaters on both residential and restaurant/cafe patios
I try to avoid businesses which use outdoor space heaters. Outdoor space heaters waste energy by producing heat which is quickly lost in the outdoors, and burn fossil fuels and directly contribute greenhouse gases.
23 votes -
Smart appliances to reduce energy use
Offices that leave lights and computers on all night, and appliances that have transformers and use phantom power, waste electricity. The city should use and promote smart appliances that monitor their use and switch to a low-power state when not in use.
23 votes -
Installing a 50 kw Wind Turbine @ Vanier Park to power the MoV, PSC & MM to showcase wind energy
Vanier Park's ideal location for wind and reducing the GHG's for Vancouver's 3 major museums would not only be beneficial environmentally but would be a major attraction to the public.
17 votesGreat idea. The Vancouver Park Board has examined opportunities for small wind energy generation at locations further west like Jericho.
Collect logging driftwood and recycle it into wood pellets for biomass generation fuel.
I'm not sure what happens with the logging driftwod that is washed up on the BC shorelines but this could be collected and turned into useful biomass fuel.
4 votes -
How come some of my 5 year light bulbs are burning out in 2 years or less? Is this a scam?
I whole heartedly switched away from incandescent light bulbs about 2 years ago. It lowered my electricity bills, but some of my 5 year light bulbs are burning out. Not good. This will discourage people from buying them again. Is there a standard that must be met for these bulbs to be sold in Canada? Seems one is needed.
1 vote -
Tax large businesses, corporations and industries that pollute the environment
They are the heaviest polluters of our environment, their contribution to green/eco development should be direct and based on their level of polluting. The more they pollute, the more they pay.
3 votes -
14 votes
The City does not have jursidiction in this area, though the best way to send price signals to discourage the use of air conditioners may be through sales tax administered by the provincial government.
3 votes
Work with existing district steam heating systems to switch to renewable energy sources
Half of Vancouver’s greenhouse gas emissions come from burning natural gas to heat our buildings. The large district steam heating systems found at the hospitals and downtown are significant users of natural gas. Converting these existing systems to renewable energy sources would reduce reliance on natural gas and help to lower our greenhouse gas emissions.
11 votes -
For the City to be Green, the Province must be Green. Stop Oil and Gas development in the interior.
The city is supported financially by the province. It is disingenuous to claim to be the greenest city in the world, while receiving money from the development of oil and gas extraction in our interior. Most of the population of BC lives in vancouver. It is our tacit approval that allows it. Vote No!
12 votesThe City is trying to it’s part within it’s own operations and broadly in the community to reduce dependance on fossil fuels. We will continue to advocate for policy and legislation that supports climate protection efforts.
Adopt targets for reducing oil consumption and officially acknowledge oil depletion (peak oil).
Global oil depletion will be one of the key issues impacting community and economic resiliency, and our journey to true sustainability. Our priority plans need to reduce BOTH emissions AND oil dependence.
6 votes -
Reduce reliance on natural gas by large industrial users
The City could work directly with large industrial users of natural gas to identify cost effective energy efficiency improvements.
1 vote -
Change the City's tendering procedure to allow for electronic notification
[Submitted by email]
We are a General Contractor that bids on City projects. The City requires that we submit our bid the day prior to opening of the bids. They also require, that if we want the information about the bid opening (bid results) to see if we are successful we must attend at the opening. This requires that we drive from Langley back and forth to deliver the bid one day, and again back and forth on the day of the opening. I thought as I drove over the old Port Mann bridge and watched them constructing a new…
0 votes