My feedback
16 results found
1,073 votes
Low footprint food choices are not the same as vegan food choices in all cases, the analysis is more complex than this. Generally a low footprint diet is local, seasonal food, and limits consumption of red meat, dairy, and some grains. Low footprint food choices are included in the draft Greenest City Action Plan and will be discussed through community engagement activities.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
I am having a hard time beleving this is ranked 2nd. I was vegetarian for 15 years of my life but do to health reasons I have started eating meat. Being the greenest city in the world means being the most foword thinking in the world, we should be putting our ideas towords a livable citty with livable naberhoods, not controling the resterants.
732 votes
There is a Campus City Collaborative project in the early stages of planning, where all of the post-secondary institutions are working with the City and the VEDC to talk about movement toward the greenest city, with a focus on creation of green jobs.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
8 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
24 votes
Greenest City awards are included in the Draft Greenest City Action Plan.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
Create a Senior Citizen's Sustainability Advisory Panel to mobile seniors knowledge on sustainabilty
16 votesThe draft action plans have been informed by over 100 different organizations in the community, and this is a great idea to build on that engagement work by outreaching to a specific demographic in our community.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
226 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
14 votes
599 votes
This is an evolutionary process. The City of Vancouver is already considered a North American leader in this regard. Current and future plans and projects (e.g. Cambie Corridor Planning Program) will continue to embrace this ideal.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
240 votes
City has supported SOLE food project (in the DTES) and is investigating other urban farming opportunities as part of the draft Greenest City Action Plan.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
669 votes
The draft Greenest City Action Plan will discuss this in a variety of ways.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
506 votes
The draft Greenest City Action Plan includes a variety of actions to support the availability of local food at the local level.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
74 votes
This idea is included within the draft Greenest City Action Plan. It has been started, with City-owned property being converted to community gardens and green streets. See:
Anonymous supported this idea ·
256 votes
9 votes
Solar access is always a consideration when we search for local food growing opportunities, community garden space, etc.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
14 votes
Interesting idea. The City is always interested in new renewable energy technologies.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
38 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·