My feedback
7 results found
404 votes
A critical challenge for Vancouver. Laneway housing, STIR, the 20% Inclusionary Zoning Policy, and other programs and policies are intended to help increase housing affordability— see The draft Greenest City plan recognizes the importance of affordability and will review additional strategies, e.g. unbundled parking.
ben supported this idea ·
115 votes
Outside City jurisdiction. TransLink is continually looking at ways to improve transit throughout the region, but additional funding is needed to make progress. A number of regional projects and plans are under way, including the Evergreen Line, and South of Fraser Rapid Transit Study.
ben supported this idea ·
215 votes
Support for this via the creation of urban farming opportunities (e.g. SOLE food). Also July 2010 Council approved expanding farmers markets.
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Good to see you on here Chris!
I thought about putting my idea up, but I think it's a little late. At any rate, good news: the site is empty and remaining that way for a while according to the city. It is reserved for the new St. Paul's hospital, but that project has fallen off in the last year or so......enter the farm. Good luck with your stuff and give me a call sometime if you want to chat...
Ben Stevenson (from James Richardson's class)ben supported this idea ·
177 votes
This is one of the key actions in the draft Greenest City Action Plan
ben supported this idea ·
669 votes
The draft Greenest City Action Plan will discuss this in a variety of ways.
ben supported this idea ·
240 votes
City has supported SOLE food project (in the DTES) and is investigating other urban farming opportunities as part of the draft Greenest City Action Plan.
ben supported this idea ·
506 votes
The draft Greenest City Action Plan includes a variety of actions to support the availability of local food at the local level.
ben supported this idea ·