My feedback
8 results found
115 votes
Outside City jurisdiction. TransLink is continually looking at ways to improve transit throughout the region, but additional funding is needed to make progress. A number of regional projects and plans are under way, including the Evergreen Line, and South of Fraser Rapid Transit Study.
PN supported this idea ·
272 votes
PN supported this idea ·
669 votes
The draft Greenest City Action Plan will discuss this in a variety of ways.
PN supported this idea ·
26 votes
PN supported this idea ·
87 votes
60 votes
60 votes
PN supported this idea ·
506 votes
The draft Greenest City Action Plan includes a variety of actions to support the availability of local food at the local level.
PN supported this idea ·
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I believe this would be an important aspect of living sustainably in cities and would foster continued dialogue and respect between people who live in the city, farmers and those who try to protect land based agriculture close to the city.