My feedback
22 results found
9 votes
Outside City jurisdiction.
An error occurred while saving the comment apayette commented
This is a great idea.
17 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment apayette commented
That is true. I believe parking spots at condo buildings should be optional, not bundled in with the condo. However, for those who would decide to opt for the parking spot, its important for them to have the plug if they want to be able to buy an electric car.
apayette shared this idea ·
39 votes
A great idea that will be captured in the draft Greenest Ctiy Action Plan as part of a larger low carbon vehicles strategy.
An error occurred while saving the comment apayette commented
@ Drive More,
I'm not saying it has to happen all right away. By 2020, EV's will be more mainstream and their cost will be lower.apayette shared this idea ·
426 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment apayette commented
Even if banning water bottles in restaurants and such can't be done, they should be heavily taxed (like at least 50 cents per bottle). However, they can easily be banned in all government buildings.
770 votes
The City supports Metro Vancouver’s plans to ban food scraps from the incinerator and landfills by 2015. The City will collaborate with Metro Vancouver to develop and implement a plan to ensure apartments, condos, businesses and institutions have access to food scraps collection programs before the ban comes into effect.
An error occurred while saving the comment apayette commented
Since Vancouver has a lot of apartment and condo building, this is a no brainer. Imagine all the waste that would be diverted from landfills!
apayette supported this idea ·
14 votes
Interesting idea. The City is always interested in new renewable energy technologies.
An error occurred while saving the comment apayette commented
I have read about these before. They're still in the early stages of testing. For example, they had a pilot project at a burger king drive-through I believe.
155 votes
An exciting idea that will be given serious consideration.
apayette supported this idea ·
176 votes
The City has supported projects that have voluntarily unbundled parking (e.g. Spectrum), and is actively working to gain authority to require unbundling in new development — this requires changes to Provincial legislation. In 2008, the City proposed the Unbundled Parking Resolution to give BC municipalities the authority to require unbundling in new development. This was passed by the Union of BC Municipalities. Provincial response to date: The Ministry of Community Development will review the proposal and refer the issue to the Development Finance Review Committee for discussion.
apayette supported this idea ·
199 votes
The City supports this idea, but implementation requires action outside municipal jurisdiction. The City will continue to advocate to the Province and ICBC for PAYD insurance.
apayette supported this idea ·
196 votes
Included in the Draft Greenest City Action Plan.
apayette supported this idea ·
289 votes
TransLink is currently leading a study to determine the best approach to deliver high-capacity, fast, frequent, and reliable rapid transit for the Broadway Corridor from Commercial Drive to UBC. A number of technologies and alignment options are being considered, including rail rapid transit (e.g. SkyTrain), surface light rail transit, and bus rapid transit.
The City of Vancouver is directly involved as a partner agency in the study. In April 2010, City Council endorsed ten principles to guide City input into this process (http://vancouver/ubcline/principles).
Visit http://vancouver.ca/ubcline to learn more about this work, including upcoming public engagement events.
334 votes
apayette supported this idea ·
360 votes
This is acknowledged as a key strategy to better integrate cycling and transit. In 07/2009 the City committed some funding for secure parking facilities at Broadway-City Hall and Olympic Village Canada Line stations. The City has also conducted a feasibility study for a downtown bike centre.
543 votes
Requires support from TransLink. The City will continue to support this idea, through measures including secured rights-of-way (e.g. the centre median on 1st Avenue near the Olympic Village). The recent Olympic Line streetcar demonstration was very successful and helps make the business case for this project.
apayette supported this idea ·
669 votes
The draft Greenest City Action Plan will discuss this in a variety of ways.
apayette supported this idea ·
599 votes
This is an evolutionary process. The City of Vancouver is already considered a North American leader in this regard. Current and future plans and projects (e.g. Cambie Corridor Planning Program) will continue to embrace this ideal.
apayette supported this idea ·
99 votes
apayette supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment apayette commented
I strongly support this idea. Also have the recycling and garbage bins well labeled so people don't confuse the two.
178 votes
City of Vancouver is considering the possibility of a ban for all new residential construction. This idea is considered in the draft Greenest City Action Plan.
apayette supported this idea ·
148 votes
Currently exploring an approach to addressing cool roofs, green roofs & walls.
apayette supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment apayette commented
I love green roofs. They are visually appealing and great for the environment. Also good habitats for bee populations.
626 votes
This idea is not included in the Draft Greenest City Action Plan, but it is supported in principle. Convened a high speed rail summit in July 2010 to discuss this proposal
apayette supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment apayette commented
I love this idea. However, I'm thinking it would be very costly.