My feedback
1 result found
76 votes
This is a great idea, but outside the city’s jurisdiction. This is something TransLink could consider, perhaps in conjunction with the SmartCard rollout expected in 2013, which will enable new and more equitable pricing schemes.
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Berlin does have a great transit system. When I was riding the subway there a few years ago I was surprised to see how they enforced fare purchases. Just after the leaving the station a plain-clothes attendant (who looked like any other passenger) pulled out a transit system badge, showed it to the car, and asked everyone to produce their tickets. So, people had no choice to 'duck out' when they saw the transit police coming. I haven't seen this in any other city but it seemed to work. Could this be a way to encourage more people to pay? Maybe, maybe not. But think of how much revenue is lost from those who choose to 'risk it'. Revenue that could be used to expand our entire transit system.