separate me
My feedback
8 results found
404 votes
A critical challenge for Vancouver. Laneway housing, STIR, the 20% Inclusionary Zoning Policy, and other programs and policies are intended to help increase housing affordability— see The draft Greenest City plan recognizes the importance of affordability and will review additional strategies, e.g. unbundled parking.
An error occurred while saving the comment separate me commented
I can't belive more people haven't voted for this!
I guess everyone is a millionare out there looking to live in a greener Vancouver.
Vancouver will become less livable, diverse and interesting if there is limited housing for the majority of people who live or want to live in Vancouver.separate me supported this idea ·
669 votes
The draft Greenest City Action Plan will discuss this in a variety of ways.
separate me supported this idea ·
599 votes
This is an evolutionary process. The City of Vancouver is already considered a North American leader in this regard. Current and future plans and projects (e.g. Cambie Corridor Planning Program) will continue to embrace this ideal.
separate me supported this idea ·
89 votes
separate me supported this idea ·
155 votes
An exciting idea that will be given serious consideration.
separate me supported this idea ·
334 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment separate me commented
Forget the fee - ban 'em!
770 votes
The City supports Metro Vancouver’s plans to ban food scraps from the incinerator and landfills by 2015. The City will collaborate with Metro Vancouver to develop and implement a plan to ensure apartments, condos, businesses and institutions have access to food scraps collection programs before the ban comes into effect.
separate me supported this idea ·
1,002 votes
An ongoing process. Many of the City’s recent initiatives (e.g. downtown separated bike lane trial, additional traffic calming on existing routes) work towards this vision. The draft Greenest City action plan will support this idea, and include directions to help inform the upcoming transportation plan update and new active transportation plan.
separate me supported this idea ·