My feedback
13 results found
178 votes
City of Vancouver is considering the possibility of a ban for all new residential construction. This idea is considered in the draft Greenest City Action Plan.
22 votes
Pilot project underway with EMBERS.
15 votes
An outright ban on these fixtures is not part of the Draft Greenest City Action Plan, however the efficient fixtures program and water auditing programs are areas in which this issue can be addressed.
An error occurred while saving the comment miki commented
Do you mean urinals????
426 votes
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment miki commented
The dual time crosswalk light is a good idea. As a disabeled old person I have a first hand experiance for the need, as frequently some agressive drivers just about running over my heels, Better yet a flashing crosswalk lights, same as in Richmond.
13 votes
miki supported this idea ·
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment miki commented
For thity years the same family of finches have returned to nest and raise least two lots of little birdies but for the last several years the crows have attaked the nest and killed the baby birds and now for about five years the nesting spot is empty and I rearly see finches in my yard.
Other small birds are also desapearing. It is time to do something about the crows.miki supported this idea ·
58 votes
City of Vancouver is considering the possibility of a ban for all new residential construction. This idea is considered in the draft Greenest City Action Plan.
miki supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment miki commented
Property tax grant for deactivating / caping wood burning fireplace or wood burning stove chimneys. Some of my naigbours are using their fireplace as INCENERATORS for junkmail and thereby some very toxic chemicals are released from the burning inks used in printing and plastics used to cover cards etc.
21 votes
Outside City jurisdiction. It would be nice to relax these restrictions, but they do serve a purpose — relaxing them is only feasible when and where there is sufficient capacity on transit vehicles. Providing more abundant and more secure bicyle parking at transit hubs will play a bigger part in cycle-transit integration.
miki supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment miki commented
Invitation for Translink to comment;
If Translink was to provide about on every third train an appropriately / safely designed fraight oriented car for carts, bikes, perhaps even motors scooters as the skytrain system it may evolve as a new way moving stuff around. In Europa the Eastern U S there are some " car-trains " doing this kind of service. Please do add your imaginative comments!! -
11 votes
Vancouver Police Dept. are planning to pilot zero-emission quad (ATV) vehicles in 2011.
An error occurred while saving the comment miki commented
I like to think that the police use a grate deal of descression with the use of quads and deffenetly increase their efficiency, therefore saving our tax dollars. Bikes just would not be practical on sandy beaches.
The quads can also carry a large emergency aid package. -
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment miki commented
Two spaced out gentle rise speed bumps are THE DETERENT for speeders but they are confortable to cross at normal speeds. There are some of these speed bumps located in the North portion of Q. E. park.
I very much against the abrupt speed bumps -
22 votes
Metro Vancouver is considering the implications of a partial ban and alternatives to fireworks (e.g. light-shows)
miki supported this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment miki commented
There is a shop on the north side of Venebles Street in Vancouver selling industrial equipment, They will take it free.... I will try to find the address and post it.,,,,,,,,,,,,, The thermostat mounted on the wall in your apt. or house also has a large capsul a mercury activated switch. You may confirm it by opening the cover. Miki.