My feedback
14 results found
54 votes
The City supports the idea of road / congestion pricing, and bridge tolls are one possible implementation. A regional (as opposed to a downtown or city) approach might work best, given travel behaviour, patterns of movement, and jurisdictional issues. This lies outside City jurisdiction, so our role is limited to advocacy; changes to Provincial legislation are required.
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
138 votes
Thanks for sharing this idea!
The city’s new active transportation plan will soon be in development, and hopefully completed within the next year.
A big part of the work ahead is to identify the complete cycling network, and the type of facility that is most appropriate and/or feasible for different routes. In some cases (e.g. busy arterial routes), separated lanes might be the best approach; in other cases (e.g. lower car volume neighbourhood streets), enhanced traffic calming and/or further reducing car access might be more appropriate. Travis cited some great examples in the Netherlands where cars are ‘guests’ that are allowed in, but do not dominate.
In all cases, the goal should be to make routes that feel safe to all potential cyclists, including beginners, children, and seniors.
For more information, visit .
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
199 votes
The City supports this idea, but implementation requires action outside municipal jurisdiction. The City will continue to advocate to the Province and ICBC for PAYD insurance.
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
11 votes
Has been identified as a potential redevelopment zone
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
16 votes
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
133 votes
Implementation of the City’s streetcar plan ( might help to enable this, by providing dramatically improved transit service to Granville Island.
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
11 votes
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
15 votes
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
36 votes
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
41 votes
A good idea that is outside municipal jurisdiction. The City will continue to work with TransLink and advocate for improved transit service, including higher frequency and longer hours.
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
11 votes
This is under provincial jurisdiction.
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
52 votes
The draft Greenest City plan will include directions to explore pedestrian-only and pedestrian-priority streets in the downtown core. Potential locations will be identified at a later date (e.g. as part of the transportation plan update).
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
14 votes
Addressed in LEED requirements; not mandatory
alexis.j.morgan supported this idea ·
6 votes
alexis.j.morgan shared this idea ·