My feedback
11 results found
42 votes
Low footprint food choices are not the same as vegan food choices in all cases, the analysis is more complex than this. Generally a low footprint diet is local, seasonal food, and limits consumption of red meat, dairy, and some grains. Low footprint food choices is included in the draft Greenest City Action Plan and will be discussed in ongoing community engagement work.
An error occurred while saving the comment sass84 commented
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1,073 votes
Low footprint food choices are not the same as vegan food choices in all cases, the analysis is more complex than this. Generally a low footprint diet is local, seasonal food, and limits consumption of red meat, dairy, and some grains. Low footprint food choices are included in the draft Greenest City Action Plan and will be discussed through community engagement activities.
An error occurred while saving the comment sass84 commented
@meatlover that's it? Do you maybe want to back up you comment with some facts? What does that even mean?
@Steven Forth I agree with your last little blurb. "Encourage vegan options for all" is so broad and vague. We need some more specific ideas like the meatless mondays idea ( i know! shameless advertising!)
or ensuring atleast one vegan lunch option in school cafeterias.An error occurred while saving the comment sass84 commented
GUYS! check out the meatless Mondays idea!
426 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment sass84 commented
people! the whole point to the ban is that you can obtain clean drinking water in Vancouver everywhere. you don't need to waste precious resources to produce something that you can get anywhere.
An error occurred while saving the comment sass84 commented
I think banning bottled water is a great idea. It's a completely unnecessary, wasteful luxury. People might actually have to resort to *gasp* using tap water. We're incredibly fortunate to have water everywhere. Just go to any public bathroom and fill up your reusable bottle. You do have a reusable bottle, don't you?
sass84 supported this idea ·
5 votes
This idea is included in the Draft Greenest City Action Plan.
sass84 supported this idea ·
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment sass84 commented
I agree with this idea. I was just stating that I don't think it will get the popularity vote because most people think something's a good idea if it doesn't effect them directly or if they don't have to pay for it.
An error occurred while saving the comment sass84 commented
I feel like this will be an idea that won't get a lot of votes because it would effect a lot of people. I'm all for it. You want to keep your money, then help reduce your waste. It's that simple.
sass84 supported this idea ·
14 votes
Addressed in LEED requirements; not mandatory
sass84 supported this idea ·
82 votes
BC Hydro and other energy utilities make rate proposals to the BC Utilities Commission who are the regulator for energy rates. For more info check out:
sass84 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment sass84 commented
I totally agree. So often I see all the lights left on in stores and office buildings. There frequently are cleaning staff there at night, but they don't need every single light on to get the job done!
41 votes
This idea is included in the draft Greenest City Action Plan. Action to date on this issue include community gardens and green streets on City-owned property. The City has also developed an edible landscaping policy
sass84 supported this idea ·
334 votes
sass84 supported this idea ·
770 votes
The City supports Metro Vancouver’s plans to ban food scraps from the incinerator and landfills by 2015. The City will collaborate with Metro Vancouver to develop and implement a plan to ensure apartments, condos, businesses and institutions have access to food scraps collection programs before the ban comes into effect.
sass84 supported this idea ·
37 votes
This is planned for Phase 2 of the food scraps recycling program.
sass84 supported this idea ·