Doug Manarin (CoV)
My feedback
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We have looked at the ""green lanes" pilots and reported to Council in 2008 (summary — they’re 3-4 times more expensive than our now-standard strip pavement, there is a definite "price point’ of how much residents would be willing to pay for the treatment, and they will likely have higher maintenance costs and a shorter service life). We’re currently finalizing our test site for the lower-cost lane treatment option — a permeable lane pavement design.
Here is the full Council report, including the resident survey.
Definitely an option for Council to increase the funding (reduce the property owner’s share) for these projects to promote more green lanes. More broadly speaking, the Greenest City team is supportive of the idea to make make laneways and alleys more pedestrian friendly environments, while maintaining essential functions (e.g. access for loading, parking and waste collection).
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I'm with the City's Streets Design Branch. The City does have a Green Lane option available through our Local Improvement process called the Country Lane. Three pilot lanes were constructed in 2001/2002 and this has been an available Local Improvement lane paving option since 2004 (more information available at However, it is significantly more expensive that the standard treatment and there have been no projects advanced by owners since its introduction. The City's standard for residential lanes is a "centre strip" pavement that retains the existing permeable and plantable shoulders outside of the main driving surface. We are going to be testing some other "permeable" lane designs that we hope will provide more options to residents for lane construction.