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5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Buddy commented
EPR, Extended Producer Responsibility. When you buy any electronic item, an Eco Fee is paid at point of purchase by you, to cover a eco freindly and efficient way of discarding these items at the end of their lives. Paint EPR is another one. Tires as well. A Packaging EPR is coming to finally force manufacturers to stop making those complicated packages made from 5 different materials. But, instead of getting producers to make better and easier to recycle packaging, there is a proposal being made to handel packaging materials one they become an EPR program with the dumbed down system whereby much of what is collected will be incinerated not recycled. EPR in BC is an opportunity to get manufacturers to finally start making better products with better packaging that can be recycled. And with the manufacturer paying for these programs, it is hoped the "highest usage or standard" would be what we get, not some dumbed downcycled "make stuff go away" cheaply as is proposed here. The Ministry of the Environment must not allow packaging materials to be handeld this way. Instead, to recycle and reuse these materials. Complicated unrecyclable packaging materials made from several different materials is a marketing tool to sell stuff and does not factor in what happens to these materials once sent off to recycling. In this case, most seem destined to be incinerated, not recycled. Proving once again, lowering the bar is preffered by some. We say no it's time to do better, be better. The planet ain't the governments toilet!
Buddy shared this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Buddy commented
EPR in BC can clearly place Metro Vancouver in a leadership role by not dumbing down this process. The opportunity to create many Resource Recovery Drop off stations like bottle depots, except that can accept all EPR items, is both a way to create green jobs but to also create a mindset whereby discards are treated as something with value3, not as something that needs to just disappear. By creating that new mind set, where manufacturers, local governments and consumers get onto the same page, by each group taking some of the load, that new paradigm shift everyone talks about can take place.
64 votes
The Draft Greenest City Action Plan includes a Zero Waste Action Plan.
An error occurred while saving the comment Buddy commented
First of all, **** Waste as a goal is not a difficult thing to wrap our heads around. During that last great war, everything, I mean everything thrown away had value. Even fat from meat. Now that we have become whores to convenience we have been brainwashed by the wasting hierarchy. Recycling mimics wasting by throwing everything into one tote. Lots of trucking, lots of transporting. Most goes overseas. **** Waste must start with us and how we buy stuff. Those who recycle well should be rewarded. Those who don't can pay for the service. Some of us cut our own lawns some of us hire someone to do this. Here is the blueprint for the green jobs promised every election cycle. Management of our discards has failed from the top down approach. The new top down approach is incinerators. Lots of them. How dumb! Now, if we spent our tax dollars (remember folks this is our money) and insisted our public servants who work for us scrap this incinerator idea, and spent our tax dollars on education and Resource Recovery and EPR programs while reducing that residual stream, landfilling and incineration will not be needed. This is not pie in the sky stuff. This is coming. So why not stop listening to these "experts" who love burning garbage and listen to common sense? Once organics are removed from the wast stream, and more and more EPR programs and repair businesses kick in and Reuse becomes fashionable again, those incinerators will go the way of the old garbage skows that used to take our garbage out into open waters and dump it. **** Waste starts at the ballot box.
Buddy supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Buddy commented
Stop thinking the 3 "R's" is just one "R", Recycling! Instead of legislating wasting options branded as "Green", look at innovative ways of encouraging "Reducing" and "Reuse". By keeping the bar low, incineration and landfilling, there is no end to so called "experts" who'll ambulance chase that buck to tell you anything you want to hear. And because Europe sees no problem with burning garbage, doesn't mean we have to. "Experts" are a dime a dozen. How about listening to what ordinary Canadians want. Regular people want to do better. So raise the bar! This ain't rocket science.