Lisa Hollingberry
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Low footprint food choices are not the same as vegan food choices in all cases, the analysis is more complex than this. Generally a low footprint diet is local, seasonal food, and limits consumption of red meat, dairy, and some grains. Low footprint food choices are included in the draft Greenest City Action Plan and will be discussed through community engagement activities.
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Let's start this healthy and empowering initiative by encouraging Vancouver City to endorse and promote Meat Free Mondays and introduce education campaigns such as the one Cincinnati created in 2009.
Cities like Cincinati have already included meat reduction in their climate change city plans, see F1 - Reduced Meat Consumption page 209-211"Strategy/action plan – A public campaign to educate Cincinnatians about the environmental (and specifically the planetary warming) consequences of meat consumption. Fight Global Warming, One Bite at a Time or Cooling the Earth... with my Fork! campaigns could adorn busses, bumper stickers, t-shirts. Great Britain's Environment Agency is developing a set of key environmental behaviour changes to mitigate global warming which include promoting vegetarianism.
There already is a movement in Europe, called Meat Reducers, by which, along side recycling and bringing your own bag shopping, people are simply eating less meat to help the environment. Mark Rosengrant, of the International Food Policy Research Institute, expects to see public relations campaigns – like that around cigarettes – focused on the reduction of meat consumption.
Accompanying the reduction in animal products will be reductions in consumption of carbohydrates and increased availability of fresh fruit and vegetables. Similar menu changes will occur at centers of detention and all City facilities. Other private captive eating institutions such as hospitals, sports facilities, restaurants etc. will be encouraged to adopt similar dietary changes. "
San Franscisco has also already beaten us to the punch! They have Meat Free Mondays.
Introducing and promoting more vegan food options embraces many of the things that Vancouverites hold dear:
1. Assists in preserving British Columbia's biodiversity and wildlife for future generations
2. Preserves our precious local water resources for human consumption rather than for raising livestock
3. Reduces BC's health care costs related to meat centered diets.
4. Supports PEACE KINDNESS and COMPASSION - in our own backyard by reducing unecessary killing.
5. Helps people recconnect with their food by learning the benefits of eating more organic fruits and vegetables, which we can learn to grow ourselves
6. Reduces obesity in children and adults
7 And so much more...For many of the latest Scientific studies on the effects of meat production for those wishing to explore more vegan options: