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195 votes
bartosz supported this idea ·
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Cars, electric or otherwise, are a cornerstone of North American culture. The sheer distances between municipalities or suburbs negate the practicality of human powered locomotion, not to mention the average North American's lack of interest in cycling as a cure all solution for the emissions crisis. Our infrastructure is designed and built around the automobile. Our cities are designed for them. Why then refute the idea of electric powered transportation? Conversion of existing cars from gasoline to electric power reduces GHG emmissions not only by driving them, but the conversion process itself is far more ecologically responsible than designing and building an automobile from the ground up. Even if the electricity used to power the cars comes from coal powered generators, the CO2 emmissions are still lower than that of a fossil fueled vehicle. Here in Vancouver, most of our electricity comes from existing Hydro facilities. It is also a gross misconception that in order to support thousands of EVs we would need to increase our power generation capacity. The long and the short of this matter is as follows: Electric Vehicles are a practical and ecologically responsible solution to the current emissions crisis. They fit within existing infrastructure, from a cultural standpoint are easily accepted, and they still give people the feeling of freedom that comes with driving a car. To suggest that everyone must convert to either mass transit or human powered transportation solutions alienates the vast majority of the population. We must look at the emissions problem from more than just one angle. We must apply systems thinking and include factors beyond simply the quantitative. To learn more about what is being done here in Vancouver, not by eco-activists, but by regular people, please visit,
29 votes
The City has already started a food scraps collection program for neighbourhoods where yard trimmings are collected. These materials are currently composted. With more organic waste diversion, the City will explore opportunties to implement technolgies that produce biogas like gassifiers and anaerobic digesters.
An error occurred while saving the comment bartosz commented
If biogas or power generation has a prohibitive budget, Why not compost? Here;s a study comissioned by Vancouver's own Parks Board.