My feedback
3 results found
113 votes
Point taken that adjusting costs of different travel modes to support more sustainable choices is a good idea. The City will continue to review parking fees to better reflect street value and market demand, and the Greenest City Plan adds a more explicit environmental lense to this work. Transit fares fall outside City jurisdiction, and there are multiple factors to consider. Fares are an important revenue source for TransLink; at the same time, it is important that prices are affordable and equitable.
An error occurred while saving the comment N/A commented
This only penalizes those who are not able to access transit as it doesn't run in their area...
42 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment N/A commented
I couldn't agree more - so many people work in the city and do not live here therefore we need to help get them out of their cars when entering the city; this means more accessible transit to the suburbs!
N/A supported this idea ·
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment N/A commented
The City is looking into this with the new Food Scrap Program - they are looking for 2011 to have weekly Yard Trimming/Food Scrap collection and bi-weekly garbage collection.