Janine Brossard
My feedback
52 results found
1,002 votes
An ongoing process. Many of the City’s recent initiatives (e.g. downtown separated bike lane trial, additional traffic calming on existing routes) work towards this vision. The draft Greenest City action plan will support this idea, and include directions to help inform the upcoming transportation plan update and new active transportation plan.
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Please could you make the following bike route safer: going north off the Burrard Bridge you make a hard right down the laneway bike route leading to the seawall. When you go down the steep hill to the T-junction it is very hard to see cars coming left or right and they can't see you on your bike. It's quite dangerous. Many thanks.
Janine Brossard supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Please could you make the bike routes more user friendly for cyclists by restricting the movement of cars along these routes. I understand that a portion of cars need to park in front of their homes but some cars cruise along for blocks. It's very unpleasant and discouraging to breath the exhaust fumes and also have a car or truck right behind you waiting for you to pull over to let them by. This is especially true when biking uphill e.g. along 8th between Alma/Blanca.
20 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Especially seeing that the oil is coming from the tar sands!
26 votes
This is part of the proposed Liquid Waste Management Plan.
http://www.metrovancouver.org/services/wastewater/planning/Pages/default.aspxAn error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
This is an easy one for the City to implement. We just built a new house and both the plumber and electrician recommended a garburetor. They were not aware of the additional treatment required at the sewage plant.
27 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
I really do not feel comfortable with incineration. There are so many toxins and nano particles these days that I'm not sure incineration will be able to keep up with removing these before they are released into the air.
28 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Great idea. No need to use paper anymore.
118 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
@ GCAT - what happens to all the non plastic milk/soya/rice beverage cartons that I see residents put in their blue boxes? I know they are not supposed to be there - do you send them to the landfill after sorting?
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
We go through about 3 rice or soya milk cartons a week. That's 156 a year. I would love to see these be available in reusable glass bottles but right now they are not. The City do not collect these and although we save them for dropoff at encorp I do see lots of these in the blue boxes anyway. Do they end up going to the landfill? Is there any chance the City could collect and recycle them?
176 votes
The City has supported projects that have voluntarily unbundled parking (e.g. Spectrum), and is actively working to gain authority to require unbundling in new development — this requires changes to Provincial legislation. In 2008, the City proposed the Unbundled Parking Resolution to give BC municipalities the authority to require unbundling in new development. This was passed by the Union of BC Municipalities. Provincial response to date: The Ministry of Community Development will review the proposal and refer the issue to the Development Finance Review Committee for discussion.
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Agree! Lets make it optional to put a parking space in our gardens and not a requirement. Instead many people may install a bike shed and plant some trees or have more space to grow food. Over time if the laneways were not needed for cars they could become bikelanes.
196 votes
Included in the Draft Greenest City Action Plan.
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
I think metering and charging for water is the key. I agree that every household should have a base amount for free depending on the number of occupants. Usage beyond the basic would be billed. My neighbour uses precious water to hose down the laneway a couple of times a week all year long.
202 votes
The Draft Greenest City Action Plan includes an action to develop a building deconstruction policy. The City is piloting a building deconstruction project and is exploring options for an incentive program to encourage deconstruction.
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
I just built a house in Vancouver. I spent months on Craigslist finding houses that were due to be demolished. We recovered beautiful fir floors, doors, stairs, moldings, antique hardware, cast iron radiators, wrought iron railings. However, sometimes the listing was put on Craigslist saying the house was coming down in a couple of days - which didn't give us (or anyone else) enough time to deconstruct. It was heartbreaking to see this valuable stuff be bulldozed and sent to the landfill. Perhaps make it mandatory that if the owners do not wish to sell/deconstruct before demolishing that they have an 'open house' for scavengers for at least 20 days beforehand. This would open up a whole new business stream for antique/heritage materials.
272 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Reusable would be great!
Janine Brossard supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Sometimes it's very smelly sitting in a park when a garbage bin full of pet poo is opened.
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Agree - would love to be able to dispose of mine and my kids apple cores when we are out and about.
23 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
So much garbage would be reduced if this were the norm.
21 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
I can't believe businesses are still allowed to treat recyclables as garbage.
55 votes
This idea has been included in the Draft Greenest City Action Plan. We encourage neighbours to get together and develop project ideas.
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Good idea. How many lawnmovers does a block really need anyway?.
35 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
I totally agree. I have glass containers for all my kitchen foods and drinks. Just wish I could take them straight to the store to be filled and eliminate the middle man - PLASTIC.
40 votes
City of Vancouver is considering the possibility of a ban for all new residential construction. This idea is considered in the draft Greenest City Action Plan. Chemical products of concern to possibly be addressed through a VoC strategy under consideration.
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Maybe for all the Vancouverites that love to have a fire on festive occasions we could allow them on certains days e.g. Christmas, Thanksgiving. However, not to exceed 5 days a year per household.
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
I totally agree about the nasty toxins in cleaners, cosmetics, dryer sheets and the ever popular febreeze type sprays. If a neighbour chooses to use these products then others have no choice but to breathe them in. Dryer sheets especially spew their toxins into the outside environment and into neighbours windows. Not to mention their effect on wildlife and water.
16 votes
Where possible, streams are being daylighted http://vancouver.ca/commsvcs/cityplans/stillcreek/index.htm, swales and infiltration bulges are being installed http://vancouver.ca/engsvcs/streets/design/green.htm, rainwater is incorporated into public art at the Marine Drive Skytrain Station
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
We certainly need to respect water more. I'm horrified at what we put into the water system from our homes and businesses. Paint, hair dyes, toxic cleaning products, fragrances and the list goes on.
98 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
Don't forget the City is going to be collecting ALL food scraps early next year (I thought it was supposed to be this fall). I expect most of us will need to have an additional container for this. It should be optional for Vancouverites to receive the container though and not distributed to all households. (I already have a stainless steel one).
23 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Janine Brossard commented
One day I hope this is a reality. We really do cater too much to garbage. Nobody likes it or wants to be around it.