GC 2020
248 results found
Provide financial advantages to small businesses to become more sustainable
I've had the opportunity this week to interview several businesses in the Strathcona area who are already taking moderate to extreme action toward decreasing their own footprints. They buy and manufacture their products locally, they build green roofs, they go to Climate Smart to learn how to track and reduce their footprint, they participate in by-product synergy exchanges, they provide incentives to their employees to ride bikes to work, etc. These businesses are making these changes because it is the "right thing to do", and because they are preparing for what they anticipate the realities of business to be in…
8 votesThe draft Greenest City Action Plan includes recommendations for greening existing businesses include recommendations to support work of organizations currently working in this area (e.g. Climate Smart)
Encourage the use of existing greenways by discouraging commuter cars using them
Simple changes to targetted parts of the greenways could reduce car traffic and therefore encourage more cycling. The existing greenway I use (midway bikeway, along 37th from Balaclava to West Boulevard) is also used quite heavily by cars as a way of avoiding 41st. The road is narrow especially towards W.Blvd and despite having speed bumps and mini roundabouts it has not deterred cars from using this route. I would like to see the use of diverters and one way access (like the do in the west end) so that only cyclists and local residents end up using this.
26 votesTraffic calming is an integral part of bikeway and greenway design, but there is room for improvement. The draft Greenest City Action Plan will include directions to go further with traffic calming and through-traffic restrictions on neighbourhood bikeways and greenways. This will be elaborated upon further in future detailed planning efforts (e.g. forthcoming transportation plan update, cycling master plan, specific greenway designs).
Organic, Fair Trade and Low carbon agricultural products
Promotion of Fair Trade, organic and low carbon imports. Why not take social and environmental responsibility for your consumption? People will always want an avocado, mango, a cup of coffee or tea on their tables. There are agricultural products that can not been grown locally, so why not import them but making sure they are low carbon, and that they are not harming our planet and its producers?
100 votesThe City has a procurement policy covering our own procurement choices that includes many of these issues; it is now being implemented throughout City operations. http://vancouver.ca/policy_pdf/AF01401.pdf
label local food
Encourage food retailers to label local food. This would make it easier for people to choose local and support a sustainable, secure food system in the Lower Mainland.
14 votesThis idea is in the draft Greenest City Action Plan
convert heat to FREE hot water
Encourage all those stores that vent their unwanted heat from A/C units as well as from coolers/fridges and freezers grocer types and pump that heat into hot water tanks! The technology is available "off the rack". Known as Fre-Heaters..we should be capturing all that vented heat and convert it into hot water. NEW stores should not have such old equipment and instead be encourage to convert at the time of building!
5 votesGreat idea. We’re looking for all kinds of ideas to encourage the reuse of waste heat. We will to understand opportunities to include these ideas in amendments to the building code.
Protect Urban Farming by changing the laws that get used to shut it down
Five years ago I moved to Vancouver and started turning the house I rented with friends into an urban farm. But a neighbour (one, out of dozens) thinks food gardens belong in the back yard and used the city's vague and undemocratic "Untidy Premises Bylaw" to have us ordered to remove it.
If Vancouver really wants to be green, it should start by looking around at the amazing things that ordinary people are already doing to make it that way and stop putting up barriers to their work. This bylaw needs a specific exemption for food gardens, or it needs…
56 votesThe draft Greenest City Action Plan includes a review of relevant bylaws that enable or inhibit urban agriculture.
Cash and tax incentives for the sale of excess power generated from the installation of solar power.
If you want people to follow more than dancing with the stars....wave the green in their face and the city will change. Tie into the grid and allow people the choice of where their excess power goes. If you are paid for the power but it's capped at a monthly amount the rest can be credited to shelters for the homeless and lower income housing. All as a taxable write off of course. The ideas are endless and so is the power!
15 votesPlan addresses incentives to increase accessibility and affordability of renewable energy
Indoor farmer's markets and community garden spaces for winter months.
Create indoor farmer's markets and community garden spaces for winter months in order to support healthy eco-living and eating.
94 votesCouncil has worked with Farmers Market Society to locate a new winter market site at Nat Bailey Stadium. Garden sites an interesting idea, but would need more study.
Home Energy Labeling in BC
Home Energy Labelling at the Time of Sale can have significant economic, social and environmental benefits for the Province of BC.
To date:
The Climate Action Team recommended that BC implement mandatory labelling at time of sale by 2012.
Utilities and the BC government are supporting labelling pilots in several BC communities.When the homeowner decides to sell their home, they request a home energy assessment to be conducted by a Natural Resources Canada Certified Energy Advisor. The energy assessment takes into account the heating and hot-water systems, insulation levels, windows, doors and includes a test to determine overall air…
3 votesBuilding labeling is one of the actions that is listed in the draft Greenest City Action Plan as a means of achieving our 2020 targets.
Support collective housing
Support the development of collective housing- support landlords that rent to collective houses and create supports to allow collective houses to own their buildings.
Adult, children and pets living collectively pool their time and resources to implement practices that reduce their environmental footprint and support everyone's quality of life.2 votesThe City can influence land use and zoning policy, however collective housing really requires people to come together with this objective and commitment.
Incubator kitchens
Have certified kitchens available for rent for individuals that would like to create a food business- provide business and marketing support.
13 votesThis idea is in the draft Greenest City Action Plan
Urban Orchards
Create urban orchards in every neighbourhood ( cherry, apple, fig, berries, plums, apricots and peaches). Employ staff to maintain these and to teach people how to preserve and use the harvest. Graft producing branches to existing cherry, plum, apple root stock.
48 votesSmall orchards are being planted by the Park Board in golf courses and at Sunset. Plans are in the works for more community orchards. This is a strategy in the draft Greenest City Action Plan.
Increase the number of facilities available for community kitchens/ food processing
Are people still interested in joining community kitchens? These were popular a couple of years ago but excitment seems to have died off due to a lack of available facilities.
Have community kitchen with themes- such as urban singles, local food etc...
Have these spaces double as urban food processing centres- have commercial kitchens set up to allow groups to come in and process large amounts of local food at harvest time so that it will be available for later us. Host workshops on various low energy food preservation techniques, nutrition, cooking, low energy cooking etc...
Install large size community…7 votesThe City supports a number of non-profits that have community kitchens. We are looking at increasing the number of the community kitchen opportunities in the draft plan
Ban beach police on quad vehicles
If the City really wants to be the greenest in the world, it should not equipped its beach police with quad vehicles that pollute the air (overall when they stay iddle in the middle of the beach) and with noise. Beach police should walk or bike and let people enjoy a vehicule free area. Ironic, that we ban smoking on the beach but our own city police is emiting greenhouse gas...
11 votesVancouver Police Dept. are planning to pilot zero-emission quad (ATV) vehicles in 2011.
Mandatory 2 day "Green Building" 2 day workshop for Contractors & Sub Trades
Educate the small business tradespeople in Green Building technology and methods. Workshops would be geared to specific trades/phases in building/renovations e.g. demolition/salvage/recycling options, energy efficient design/products, sustainable and non toxic building materials and reducing what is sent to the landfill. Make it mandatory to attend every two years in order to operate in Vancouver. Offer the courses free to contractors, plumbers, electricians, painters, carpenters etc. Perhaps the province could also provide a tax incentive for attendance to offset their lost revenue.
10 votesWill not be mandatory but are exploring ways to promote, support and develop training & job creation opportunities as part of the draft Greenest City Action Plan.
Partner w/ social development orgs to ensure a more holistic 'greening' + to build broader support
While the mandate of this project is specifically to 'green' the city, even the 'Greenest City' will be a failure if the overall welfare of its people isn't considered.
The strongest Greenest City strategy will be a holistic one, including key elements of social, community and local economic development.
Our Greenest City approach should include dedicated outreach to individuals and communities that have traditionally had low participation in Vancouver's Green movement -- to build broad support and to recognize shared goals between organizations.
8 votesThough this is called the Greenest City program, there has been a very strong social justice and economic lens to the work. There is a green economy working group and external advisory committee with membership from diverse community-based organisations and businesses. Staff the City’s Social Policy department are very active in the process.
47 votes
Council members cannot be mandated to eat vegan meals, however they may accept a friendly challenge. Like other Vancouverites, they may also be swayed by communications and education about the ecological footprint impacts of various dietary choices
Implement Vancouver Zoom Your Roof Project
Since building heating is one of the biggest uses of natural gas in BC it should be a priority to reduce this footprint. In Belgium communities are implementing a project where residents can easily see how effective their insulation is. This lets people actually see for themselves whether investing in insulation would be worth it for them.
More info on Belgian project:
http://infosthetics.com/archives/2010/07/zoom_into_your_roof.html1 voteBuilding labeling and energy audits will help building owners and occupants understand how their buildings are performing and where they are losing heat. While we may not implement the “zoom in” program per se, these other tools included in the draft Greenest City Action Plan address same issue.
Increase bike parking in high density residential areas
There is a real lack of bike parking in higher density residential areas of the City. Whenever I’m visiting friends in the West End I see bikes locked to trees, random railings and street signs. Encourage apartments, condos and co-ops to install visitor bike parking to make it more convenient for visitors to arrive by bike.
9 votesThe City has recently been focusing on increasing bike parking supply on key commercial corridors, such as Commercial Drive and Broadway. Once these areas are complete, we may consider opportunities to expand this program into high-density residential areas. However, we would start by encouraging building owners and managers to increase their own bike parking supply.
9 votes
Staff are reviewing this idea and will be implementing changes at some locations quite soon.