Foster a friendly ‘greening of the cities’ competition with other major west coast cities.
Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco all aspire to be greener cities along with Vancouver. Finding ways for the west coast cities to compete, share and inspire each other will have a positive effect in driving each other to achieve greater results more quickly and in the spirit of mutually beneficial competition. Perhaps an annual competition with progress indicators, for example.

The “Greenest City in the World by 2020” is fostering this competition with cities globally, including those on our coast. Expanding it to a global outlook pits us against less industrialized cities, as well as cities in rapidly developing countries, and makes the contest much more interesting and challenging.
Colleen M commented
And share ideas on what works. I was recently in Portland - I went there to see what great things they are doing with their bike paths. Findings: 1: cycle and shared use pathways positioned alongside every bridge - similar to the new Canada Line bridge path over the Fraser River, 2: shared use pathways along the river - let's open up our great resource - the Fraser River corridor, 3: Trams - European style - easy on/off options for bicycles
Let's do it, Vancouver!