Provide rainwater catchments to those living in condos with balconies to help with urban gardens
While waiting for building codes to come into effect requiring rainwater collection and water efficient irrigation systems, this can be a simple way to assist condo dwellers in using less water when it comes to their own balcony gardens.
The City sells smaller rainbarrels for this use
Angie N commented
Good to know - thanks! Glad to hear the City is already helping with this. My view would be to make it even easier for tenants. For example, I no longer own a car out of personal choice. Even though I could take the bus or borrow a car to transport a barrel to my home, this could still be perceived as somewhat inconvenient. I think the solution lies in making initiatives like this easy for people to adopt: arrange for property management companies to hold a number of barrels at each property for tenants who are interested, organize a delivery service, etc. The easier you can make it for residents to take advantage of services the City already offers, the quicker it will be for Vancouver to become green!
Clean Water Working Group commented
The City of Vancouver does sell rain barrels at 50% off the regular price for residents of Vancouver. This year we are selling the short rain barrel which is suitable for smaller spaces (like condo balconies). Here's the link with info on how to get one: