Day long transit lanes
[Submitted via mail by Penny Perry]
If transit were faster more people would use it and transit lanes allow the buses to make good time. Transit lanes must also make life easier for the bus drivers.

This is a great idea that is outside City jurisdiction
Colleen M commented
During the Olympics traffic in the Downtown Core moved much smoother with all day Transit lanes. The bus drivers were happier not having to weave around parked cars. This experience showed us we can do it, Vancouver!
Drive More commented
The problem is not that transit is not going faster, everyone is grid LOCKED.
City transportation will not synchronize traffic lights with pedestrian lights.
So everyone gets stuck behind RED Lights all day long. Look how traffic flows in the one way green zone coming off the cambie street or dunsmuir. You can get from one end to the other hitting all green in a few minutes.
If you hit every RED it would take almost an hour to wait for the REDS, Left turns, pedestrians, Rights, etc.
Take a look at the mess at the Canada Line station on Cambie and Marine.
You have everything there causing a delay.