'Pedestrianize' Robson St. permanently (no cars) - or at least do a 6 month trial
Studies show that commercial streets (full of shops, cafes and restaurants) that have been converted into foot or bicycle traffic only, have dramatic increases in public activity and economic growth.
Do you know any other streets that would benefit from this? Leave your comment below!

The draft Greenest City plan will include directions to explore pedestrian-only and pedestrian-priority streets in the downtown core. Potential locations will be identified at a later date (e.g. as part of the transportation plan update).
NOTE: Darren Clifford's idea "Make robson a pedestrian only street" has been merged with this one.
Steven Forth commented
I think Water would benefit from this, and I would like to see this for 4th Ave. Keep a two lanes on 4th for Busses, one lane for a major bike path, and turn the rest into gardens, cafes, performance space and public art. We should find places to do this in all of the centres.
Jim T commented
Good idea! I agree with it, the more walking and stuff, the better! It would be nice to see more trees planted where car lanes used to be.
Geordie Milne commented
Farmers Markets!
Geordie Milne commented
Turn the no unused street space into garden space (one lane may have to remain for emergency vehicles)
Colleen M commented
And more streets...we saw it during the Olympics. It works. Well.
Matthew Boulton commented
Water Street, too, please! And while we are at it, let's reclaim some of the the Waterfront area from the car parks - put them underground or, better yet, get rid of them.
Peter commented
This is probably one of the best ideas in the initiatives for a Greener Vancouver. Why Granville St. was chosen as our "walking street" I have never understood, but then politicians are not known for their intelligence. To make Robson Street a walking street will tie the most densely populated area of the City to its downtown core.
Adam Hyslop commented
This is a great idea! On busy days people already spill off the sidewalk into the street. A first step might be to have it be pedestrian-only on weekends since the reduced weekend car traffic can probably be adequately accommodated on Georgia.
The Car-Free Day festival is a great start but having a regular place to go every weekend would be fantastic. The City should build on the success of Car-Free Day and have a rotating car-free day in different communities every weekend throughout the summer. Check out the "Pedestrian Sundays" model in Toronto for inspiration!
Benjamin commented
Fantastic idea! For me, pedestrianised spaces make a city so much more liveable and exciting, and as you say - business often benefits. I think Davie St would also be a great option. Look at the excitement and usage during the Davie St festival. And Granville Island - why are cars allowed in such an obviously ideal pedestrian space? If you insist that parking is necessary, and refuse to increase frequency of buses/ferries/light rail, then at least keep the parking to the outside and let the Granville Island wanderers and shoppers make their way about in peace!