Free parking for 100% electric cars
For the first x number of 100% electric cars registered, free metered parking anywhere in Vancouver.

Greenest City open house commented
Put in Electric Street car from Museum to Granville Market to Science World to Yaletown (and to Gastown to VCC and to Aquarium) - Also with a bike skating path beside it.
Noah commented
Put solar panels in parking lots that power EV chargers.
Johnny commented
great idea! may be an uphill battle as the City recently ruled against easier access to parking for motorcycles and scooters at curb parking end-zones. Bizarre as it interferes with nothing. The City is certainly not shy to implement new rules and regulations. But you're going to have problems convincing counsel when the City would rather have people on scooters pay for meter parking than park somewhere else more out of the way. It is all about the CASH GRAB for the City. If anyone says "geez, what do we do when everyone is driving n electric car"? Lets deal with that problem when we get there...I can't wait for the day. You have my vote...GO ELECTRIC!!