Indoor farmer's markets and community garden spaces for winter months.
Create indoor farmer's markets and community garden spaces for winter months in order to support healthy eco-living and eating.
Council has worked with Farmers Market Society to locate a new winter market site at Nat Bailey Stadium. Garden sites an interesting idea, but would need more study.
Drive More commented
What would they be and how would they be stored? Potatoes and onions in a cool dark barn perhaps.
People like farm fresh produce where ever and when ever they can get them in season. Obviously it is because it tastes better.
calendula commented
Somehow I suspect "drive more" hasn't spent enough time outside of his or her car to realize that you can grow and store many delicious foods over the winter to sell at markets.
Drive More commented
Why have a farmers market or community garden in winters months? Nothing grows in the winter, it is to cold and not enough sunlight. Maybe with more global warming but not yet.
Leah commented
This is so important and helps so many areas of life. Makes our city greener literally, helps the local economy on many levels, makes our lives greener by eating healtier local food, less food shipped in, more children involved in food means more healthy adults less medicare down the road.. the advantages are endless.. we need to do this!
Donalda Greenwell-Baker commented
I would like to see a farmer and craft market set up in Hastings Park - one of the buildings that might be used for this is the old Rollerland or possibly for Forum.