Encourage more transit use by putting in large free parking lots close to each Skytrain Station
Make Vancouver more Transit Friendly!

NOTE: alison's idea "parking for transit riders" has been merged with this one.
How about a little compromise? Parking around transit stations might encourage people to lessen their travel footprint - a good start.
Ekai commented
this is a great and SIMPLE idea. I completely 100% agree. Simple addition of large parking structures that only require you to buy a transit pass nearby sky train stations would increase ridership. Additionally, people who might otherwise drive to work might start taking public transit just because parking is so cheap at the station and so hard to come by downtown.
Maria commented
I agree! People from suburbs with poor bus service will be more likely to switch to buses in the city. It often doesn't make sense to pay for parking and bus fare, you might as well drive. We need to reduce road congestion in the city centre and get as many people as possible on public transport.
Drive More commented
Nothing is free. Someone has to pay for security and the land.